Saturday, July 24, 2010

Companies That Will Donate Money

My visit to Lugala

After a long flight, I was glad to be in Dar Es Salaam and arrived safely back to ground under the feet have. At the airport when the visa issue, it proved advantageous to use crutches to be on the road - to which I was instructed, after I contracted a half weeks before leaving a two-fold torn ligament in the ankle hatte und der Afrikaaufenthalt nicht so leicht „vom Fuß“ gehen sollte, wie geplant – ich wurde nach vorn gerufen. Den Sicherheitsbereich verlassend, war die Freude groß, Mutti und Peter nach 4 Monaten wieder zu sehen. Nach ein paar Stunden bei einem Glas Brause am Meer stellten wir aber fest, dass es sich doch so anfühlt, als hätten wir uns letzte Woche erst gesehen.

Nach dem anstrengenden Flug, fand ich, hatte ich mir ein Stück Kuchen und eine Eiskugel verdient. :-)

The next day we set off for now Lugala. The road proved to be a real adventure and, admittedly, as risky. I was certainly glad when we reached our first waypoint - the Mikumi National Park.

This leads a highway and that is in the eyes of the Tanzanian truck drivers, unfortunately, literally. The animals stand next to and under the page break even in the middle of the road. Most of the drivers with their boards weak brake vehicles through the park - only interested in the fast arriving, but not the survival of the animals.

Let us turn back but the good things too - let the sight of peacefully feed the animals, which interfere on 3m distance and not willing to take pictures of us.

elephants on the road

The following day We had the visit of the Mikumi luck. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, hippos, monkeys - all we could marvel at close range.

curious giraffes and zebras

Many animals had boy whose charming to watch, especially when Mom brought to joyful Jauch Zern.

went after this interim stay there again on roads that are reported to us as bad roads and max. with 30km / h can be cycled. Here they just thunders with 80km / h ... and again I was glad to have arrived in the evening good - finally in Lugala.

I do not know quite what I expected. Was clear: we are really in the African bush landed.

The first thing that came to mind at the sight of the huts, was, "It seems here, as they did the Stone Age. Mud huts with thatched roof, before the fire. Chickens really run around everywhere. Occasionally there are little stone cottage. That's it. In stark contrast, is that everyone here, whether he can afford it or not, has a cell phone. There are colorful scarves and dresses, rubber boots and plastic buckets. But all live in the dirt.

mud huts in Lugala

When people need something, they go to - for it - great city So the next village Malinyi. There are at least a "market", a "mall" and even a bar

shopping area and bar in Malinyi

Every day I brought my gauntlet behind me - the road from our house to the hospital. There are only 200 meters. But these 200 meters I was screened and stared, as I would just landed from the moon. Well, whites know this already. But one with blue and red reflectors crutches - that was something new. To the views I have so far, after a week Lugala not used to. Quick had talked about everywhere that I am there. Every day new people were standing in front of the hospital and waiting for me with their curious eyes.

But otherwise you can get comfortable with the situation but as long as you do not continue to think about that one is cut wide and is in a different world.

The people here are nice, but have markedly a different mentality. With old car batteries to be heard loud radio. In the hospital the night light burning in spite bedtime. Tanks run empty, parked the vehicles easily. Charles poured in abundance of flowers. Everything is consumed, without worrying about what happens when it's time for all. Everything is there, is also consumed. The word "planning" will find no lovers and friends.

was there for lunch with us what was offered. Time someone comes over with (even) slaughtered beef, the next one brings (still living) or chicken with hat frisch gefangenen Wels im Angebot. Es gibt Reis, Kartoffeln und einige tansanische Beilagen. Obst und Gemüse gibt es auch. Darüber müssen wir uns keine Gedanken machen - die Menschen hier aufgrund ihrer Armut natürlich schon. Etwas hartes Fell muss man schon haben, um sich das jeden Tag angucken zu können.

Morgen reisen wir nun ab aus Lugala und verbringen noch ein paar Tage auf Sansibar zur Erholung. Die Fahrt von Lugala, zunächst zurück nach Dar Es Salaam, dauert länger als der Flug von Deutschland nach Tansania…

Während ich nun hier sitze and write, yet someone came to visit - for me, he wanted to meet me. After a bit surprised, because who wants to visit me here, it turned out that it is the local "Polisi. As we talked about our work, found that our two countries are different and said goodbye. Maybe there is a reunion, with all others.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Auto Battery Amp Hour Rating


The beautiful dream is over. Now we feel it as an advantage, far to be any reporting. There are no Newspaper, no radio, no TV (except for football and Bollywood) and so shall we, if we do not look into the Internet - on the football yesterday evening no longer remembered.
Here you live in the here and now, what was yesterday is past and what will be tomorrow, it makes you look today no thoughts. In terms of football we have seen this after the unfortunate departure of Ghana. The Tanzanian team has never played in a major tournament, and one hopes, of course, the success of other African teams. During the dramatic final phase and the penalty-Murder was the cabin in the truest sense of the word head. been caused by the off the television community very quickly, all trotted home with drooping heads, and the next day, no one has spoken of this event. And so for us today just normal everyday life again with the financial constraints of the hospital. Peter plans to Mr. Njaala changes in staff deployment in order to work time shifts and shift work finally to reduce the long hours, I will draw a slip of paper with hand-written test questions for the student nurses a proper questionnaire and then in the third year because of a ram for authentication of certificates ` s mayor's office "to go Malinyi. But this afternoon we will read for sure, what the press in Germany and once again be a bit sad about the disappointing end of the game and the dream of a world title. This team deserves it.

These guys have the foot "ball" fever recorded

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Julie And Tiffany Night Calls

Umeme Jua - solar power

For a week the sun provides our house with electricity. We have not only during the 3 generator evening hours of light, but also in the twilight before 19.00 clock and we have after 22 00 clock no longer with the flashlight into the Go to bed. More important than the additional hours of light but now is our consistently-functioning refrigerator. The Leipzig Mission Society has sponsored the installation for a house for our Hospitalfundi Mr. Kuandika the installation was a welcome change to their everyday work. Charles has been active as a henchman. Of course, the installation was associated with quite a lot of dirt, the lines had finally from the roof through the ceiling and Emma was in "their" kitchen of the victims.

for yesterday had very short notice Mr. Matimbwi announced that at the time the solar system of the hospital has designed and installed with later extensions. Mr. Matimbwi is an engineer, studied in Dar and Magdeburg, writing his thesis in Münster, speaks German, so that well, had selected the system for our house in Dar and staying a few days on home leave in Lugala. That was a plus because we have the action of the entire solar system of the hospital system, including explaining the change to generator mode, can. For us it is important to understand these relationships and to know when and which devices have to be issued or. The plant is part of the responsibility of the administrator and had prepared with their temporary failure problems and provided us with meaningless beeps and displays to shame. Unfortunately, its maintenance is not taken seriously enough and a battery string must now be completely replaced prematurely, which is a bitter blow into the office.

The solar energy is sufficient, of course, for the power supply is not sufficient and for a constant supply of medical devices, there is our compact, easy in the evening not only for light but also recharges the batteries. Once a year, diesel is purchased. After the end of the rainy season and to some extent trafficable roads are delivered 10,000 liters.

10,000 liters of diesel

this time because of the unusually long rainy season had meanwhile been in canisters of the gas station to buy diesel in Malinyi because our tank was empty. Last week, has now announced the arrival of the vehicle and as we expected in the tank truck to the hospital tank come, we can hardly believe our eyes - 10,000 liters of diesel in 150 l barrels battered on a TÜV-disabled truck.

The refilling of the 67 drums with a thin tube has taken several hours. The remains were on a self-made hopper into the Tank poured out his cigarette, the driver kindly off a little smoke.

Until the last drop, every barrel emptied

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give employees and patients that the power supply is a very expensive affair. For them, the light is just the way there. In the market to bargain for every bean, so as not to get the best price, but the light eventually cost nothing. In the villages the people have only their evening fire in front of the hut, as one would like to enjoy the convenience of the hospital and the light is still on the wards all night ...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Egg White Cervical Mucus On Day Of Period

A work report

Today there is less atmosphere photos, more of a problem and work report.
About our positive impressions we have already written enough. The following is an extract from the quarterly report to the Leipzig Mission.

an unusual task and challenge we had expected, but on the everyday worries and difficulties in the hospital could not be prepared in Germany.
In Lugala we feel almost at home and would feel completely at home when the children do not always shout "Mzungu Mzungu," and remind us of our origin would be.

Medical care in the hospital, as measured by the possibilities, really good. Of course there are needs and challenging ideas. But it is also available in every hospital in Germany and moja kwa moja here is probably a lot can still be improved. The real difficulty is that there was only a rudimentary administration and an absolutely chaotic financial status. The variety of tasks and associated problems in the administration is described later, this report is only the most important- reporting on money.
The hospital is financed by own revenues and grants from various donors. The state subsidies for the wages, with much less money will be provided as it according to the Einzugs-/Versorgungsgebiet and the number of beds would be the case. A change is not in sight and a visit to this matter in the Ministry of Health can be really depressing. There is also money from Tunajali (an American fund) for anything that can be associated with HIV / AIDS. With this support, the objectives are defined rather stringently. Furthermore, there are means of Basket Fund, SOLID ARMED, AMREF and Others without this here to describe in detail. All these funds were combined until a few weeks to a large sum, and despite ever used for different purposes as needed. Thus, no one could say exactly how much of each fund just exhausted and thus the financial status of the hospital was. gave even a simple accounting with daily Einnahme-/Ausgabebelegen it is not practical.
from the overall budget was also a loan program for funding of the hospital staff (very social, with no interest up to 500,000 TSh). The repayments were received but also in the "big pot." General and financial management load on only one person (Mr. Njaala) and this was - even with good will and in spite of numerous unpaid overtime - hopelessly overloaded. To this lack of financial transparency and unsolved problems in the administration are still two other major difficulties. First, the employees last year had a salary increase (retroactive for the entire year 2009) fought. The sponsors paid the grants but still only the same amount as before and the patient revenues could not be increased. Secondly, despite higher salaries any additional fees have been maintained for the employees. These allowances or charges are for extra dutys some absurdly high. Said one employee gets for a 3-day seminar in Morogoro, Arusha or any other major city TSh 250 000, representing about one month's salary. There are extra fees for inappropriate on-call, overtime or even to participate training programs. Here was a system - that was sure to motivate even thought well - ad absurdum. While in recent years, the hospital always just so, on balance, a zero in the black, was created by the above-described development of a structural deficit. This means a monthly consumption of 3.8 and 2.7 million TSh of the capital depending on whether conservative or creative rate.
what's this? The hospital is far and wide the largest employer and an entire region is not only dependent on medical care by the hospital. The hospital also secures directly and indirectly sustained, albeit for some only modest incomes for employees and their families - with an African family can be described as a clan and to compare with a family in Germany.
The straight wage increase can and should be reduced again under any circumstances. That leaves only three options: you can save staff, cut the remaining costs and / or labor organization . Improve Personal - especially when it must be fit and proper can not be saved. The agencies in the individual stations are just busy in other areas, eg in the laboratory, there are too many personnel to stay and all the other costs and working hours. First, could the allowance - mischief to be changed. The hospital has in recent weeks and months, the posting of employees not directly affect the daily work-related seminars, which are themselves pay the per diems had to very restrictive. Furthermore, it is as common in Germany to pay the hospitals for on-call waiting time for only a small amount for tatsächliche Einsatzzeiten erheblich mehr. Hier in Lugala hält sich jeweils ein Labor- oder OP- Mitarbeiter jede Nacht im Hospital auf, obwohl er ohnehin in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft wohnt und höchstens zweimal pro Nacht in Anspruch genommen wird, meistens nie. Er bekommt die „verwartete“ Zeit aber ausgesprochen großzügig vergütet. Weiterhin machen die Mitarbeiter im OP abwechselnd nach ihrer Dienstzeit Überstunden mit Sterilisationsarbeiten. Diese können erst nach 19 Uhr erledigt werden, da es erst dann ausreichend Strom durch den Generatorbetrieb gibt. Es ist naheliegend, dass sich diese Überstunden mit Arbeitszeitverschiebungen vermeiden lassen. Flexible Arbeitszeiten sind hier bisher unbekannt. Auch damit könnte man viel Geld sparen.
Natürlich sind all das willkommene Hinzuverdienste und es wird bei der Einführung neuer Regelungen erhebliche Widerstände geben. Aber aus diesen Darstellungen wird auch klar: Wir müssen im Laufe der nächsten Monate eine vernünftige Finanzstruktur finden, müssen den Angestellten die notwendigen Schritte immer wieder erklären und müssen auf ihre Mitarbeit setzen. Andernfalls wird das Hopital mittelfristig vor dem Bankrott stehen (die benachbarte Tumaini Secondary School erlebt das gerade).
Ich muss ein bisschen um Verständnis bitten. Der vorliegende Bericht ist – abweichend von bisher üblichen Rundbriefen – ziemlich administrativ und finanzlastig become. But that is why we are here in Lugala and I very much hope that in addition to what we can make a person, also a Mongoose anisaidie 'is. used
Or as my grandmother say: Help yourself, then God will help you.

Dr. Peter Gundermann