Friday, December 31, 2010

Court Order Comunity Service Letter

The year 2010 is over, hopefully for all back with a satisfied look. For us it was an exciting and exhausting year with many new impressions and Experiences, positive as well as depressing and sobering experience.

We wish you all the best in 2011 `s, health, confidence, joy to overcome new challenges and power, one way or another hurdle.

We come to mind for the New Year with you, to welcome in 2011, however, already 2 hours earlier.

Karibu 2011!
Karibu Tanzania!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Flashgame Train Bridge


before last night we are on the east by a chaotic noise awakened. Not far from our house, screaming men, women and screaming can be heard blows. We think that there will be a fight among drunks. On the bright morning then a great outcry and eventually we learn the cause of the nocturnal noise: 5 people in the tiny Duka la dawa (pharmacy) entered the village to steal, and would obviously have been surprised. A thief has caught them, the others could escape. The one they killed with clubs. This is common practice in this country certainly, but it is then but a difference whether you hear in stories like this, directly or witness is. The self-proclaimed Rächern wird übrigens nichts geschehen: erstens gehört das zur Folklore und außerdem kann kein Richter unter mehr als 20 Knüppelaktivisten den Schuldigen herausfinden- insofern ist hier Diebstahl mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden. Niemand findet das nicht in Ordnung, das Leben geht seinen gewohnten Gang.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rubbermaid Vs. Efla Shelving

Our Christmas Christmas greetings

Der Heiligabend- Arbeitstag endet ausgesprochen unerfreulich: gegen 16 Uhr kommt eine Nurse und erklärt uns, dass sie an ihrer Wohnung einiges auszusetzen hat. Bei Starkregen spritzt Wasser an ihre Tür, im Hof läuft das Regenwasser nur langsam ab, ein Schloss ist defekt und überhaupt ist die Wohnung für sie und ihren ganzen Hausrat (alles zusammen passt in eine Badewanne) zu klein. Ich sehe es mir an, die Mängel können behoben werden, sind aber seit Wochen bekannt und außerdem ist jetzt Freitagabend- man könnte also bis Montag warten. Nein, ihr husband würde kommen, außerdem gefällt ihr die Wohnung nicht und sie möchte eines der freien Häuser haben. Nebenbei: sie arbeitet erst seit vier Monaten bei uns und das Hospital hatte ihr sämtliche Studiengebühren bezahlt. Daraufhin lasse ich sie einfach stehen. Doch sie kommt wieder ins Büro und will sofort alles repariert haben. Nocheinmal erkläre ich ihr, dass jetzt kein Handwerker mehr da sei, aber sie meint, dann I will make it. Then the discussion is first of all to an end. In the following conversation with Mama Chogo and Moses is clear that it is not about the shortcomings of the house goes: the nurse was simply an excuse to be able to make the dust - because of the sponsorship they have under the contract to work 3 years in Hospital . It is not the first, will just disappear. We go first to Malinyi, there has just opened a new pub-elevated standard for the village. We allow ourselves together and still have four beers before the darkness back home. It is now about half an hour more daylight, but the shortest night is now already again behind us. We read and I try reading the Christmas story to get in the mood, but it will not succeed me.

On 1.Weihnachtsfeiertag we are in the office until the afternoon, then finally concluded and there is our dinner on the terrace: Beate a young muscovy duck has cooked with potatoes and for dessert - of course - mangoes. For cycling, it's too hot. In the evening we see the film "Keinohrhasen", it's suitable entertainment.
the 2.Weih
night holiday, the way it does not exist in Tanzania, we begin with a hearty breakfast, then drive to Sofi mission. The town is ca.30km removed, we need but nearly an hour by car.

Sofi Mission

is beautifully situated on a hill, the old mission station and its associated outbuildings, as well as school and hospital. The latter no longer works and also from the farm buildings, most occurred long ago. But it's an impressive place. We walk towards the mountains and then gets really nice.

The temperatures are like in high summer in Germany - if it even is a right old German summer - and the forest is like the Hainich or on the Hainleite May Everywhere fresh green, the Brachystegiabäume with fresh leaves and flowers blooming everywhere:

orchids, lilies and iris - it's incredible and we are very impressed.

Just in time for a strong storm we reach our car.

wait Our many mangoes waiting to be processed. So we make jam, which we succeed in good and fruity taste. In the evening there again cinema and we have Christmas with "Oceans 13" end entertaining.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Aveeno Fragance Free Good For Tattoo?

We want our families, friends, acquaintances and other readers of our blog a happy and peaceful holiday season, moments of magic and time together.

Christmas spirit comes to us not so well. Warm humid air at 30 degrees just does not fit to do so. "Christmas trees" but there are. By this time the flame trees are in full bloom and are therefore referred to here as Christmastree.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do You Think Interest Rates Will Go Up Or Down

once Germany and Back

The farewell to Germany we would have fallen much harder than we expected. Heavier than when we first leave the country. At that time, 9 months ago we knew absolutely not what we would expect to find in Lugala and We had actually set for the worst. Our expectations were pleasantly surprised, we have arranged with the life here and do our job in the hospital without any great illusions. This work does, unfortunately, also the daily confrontation with indifference, denial of reality and often have low levels of responsibility. This change from one dominated world of rational thought in the African culture is not easy for us. But what is left of our vacation in your mind?
First : that with the expected recovery has become nothing. We'd really need to know-in the fullness of the project and tasks. Perhaps I had simply made too much, after 9 months was the first opportunity and since you can sometimes lose the right measure.
Second : it was a pleasure to see again once temperatures below 10 degrees, although the crash of about 40 degrees when we left Lugala to freezing temperatures during our stay in Arnstadt and elsewhere was a bit violent . We can imagine that the ongoing snowfall (from which we learn via the Internet) is really annoying, I was certainly very grateful to experience a winter landscape.
Third : Food. We started with pork / sauerkraut and Erbspürree and ended with duck. In the days in between all the delicious German food, of course, we have increased both anything. Next time a few words about our eating habits here in the bush.
Fourth: we think that the Europeans appreciate the people here probably never fully or even understand. The habits of mind are just too different. We have noticed that some well-meant advice - in Europe this or that might be taken forward, but here the people tick just different. An example: we have very a space for newly burned children (happens often) set up, paid for by SOLID ARMED. Everything is tiled and there is a trough in which the young patients in need can be roars with warm water. Yesterday there was quite a stir - the patients and their families wash mountains full of clothes in the bath and the special treatment room has turned into a wash-house. They said that was practical and obvious, especially since most of our patients probably out of the bush have never heard of a bath, let alone have seen. The tub was full of sand and very dirty. We have had a somewhat different view.

Meanwhile we have here in the hospital the day again and that means, among other things: our accounting assistant is for 3 weeks vacation, that all work remains with us hanging, Beate takes care of the future of the finances and management of the nursing school (which now has 100 students) , a clinical officer is cut off by DAR - despite a written commitment to work according to the study paid by the hospital here a few years. In addition, last week was without signing a retired teacher at the door the next day and wanted to start working as a trainer for the nurses. Just under a year she had requested and now she has decided. All of a sudden. The `s had to first to be accommodated in the guesthouse. The students are by the way .... even during the Christmas holidays In addition, later this month over 2 million TSH additional payment to a former clinical officer due. This has disappeared several years ago after a dispute with the former hospital doctor during the night and fog, a proper notice was not made retroactively. So he was still officially employed. Although he was never seen again here, since then working in another hospital, he had successfully appealed to the regional office of the Tanzanian trade union unity to "lost wages". What can we say. Thursday evening at 22.00 clock are - of course-three unannounced Representatives of social security on the compound will be housed and fed. You want to conclude contracts with employees so that they, their spouses and children treated in sickness free. The hospital receives a fixed amount for each. The whole affair is well known for weeks, forms should be completed and passport photos to be done but nothing is ready. It's all just lying there. Beatrice has a long two days filled with all forms, copies of marriage and birth certificates. It continues with the laboratory staff: The laboratory is staffed pretty well. They have found their own regime and do not have to work overtime, do not understand why they do not still get extra allowances.

That should be enough. In a previous post by a pink flowering tree was the speech, the name was not familiar to me. It is a Bauhinia, orchid tree also called and named after the switzerland / French. Bauhin botanists.


M Belly Ringsonster Energy

this short paper I had written before mid-November after we left Germany and password set, so at this point as an afterthought, since the issue is currently still in place and every day we find all the other big and small surprises busy.

On the last weekend of October a very expensive election campaign came to an end and all of Tanzania were invited to choose a new government. Predictably, remains President Kikwete further 5 years in office. In particular, the voices of the Tanzanian Government officials and all other state employees, he could probably be safe. The government has shown previously at their best again and increased the salaries of government employees by 28% completely covered, whether the facilities, including hospitals, it can cope financially or not. Of the 80 employees of the Lutheran Hospital Lugala 18 paid by the government on this claim, of course, not want to miss. be found quite apart from that it also increases our employer, a balance had to the other hospital employees. There was a meeting every day, subject: take one bit and the other to give something. And in the end no one is entirely satisfied. For us, this is obviously a difficult situation, because reserves are not there and the savings potential is exhausted. There will be no redundancies as possible. Thus, we expect to and fro, without reaching a satisfactory solution.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Wedding Messagespiritual

2010 elections back from home leave

Now we're back for a week in Lugala. For the return journey we had probably chosen the right day when we see that Germany is sinking in the snow, roads blocked and airports closed. At least, the news on the Internet.
With our luggage we had exhausted the 40 kg for each almost the whole case took 72 kg on the scale, primarily because of the tools, surgical materials and equipment for the hospital. For our purely private things probably would have been enough to hand luggage. The interested in. Fortunately, not all the luggage. The saw blades, because we had to unpack the suitcase on the flight home went smoothly this time in Berlin by the control. worked with the circular saw blades our carpenter for 20 years. Finally, was hardly an ordinary cutting is possible and so we brought the blades for sharpening. Mr. Steikert of the CNC - Tool grinding Steikert in Göllingen she has kindly sharpened free of charge for us.

Kuandika, our driver picked us up at the airport on Wednesday afternoon and then began already equal to the stress. Since Independence Day on Thursday, and thus national holiday, was all purchases had done just after our arrival will be, so drugs at two different wholesalers Kuandika had a list of spare parts for vehicles, of which he still before our arrival nicht alle besorgen konnte und natürlich auch diverse Lebensmittel und andere notwendige Dinge für die nächsten Wochen (wie Nudeln, Butter, Olivenöl, Kaffe, Waschpulver....), auch für den Arzt Peter Hellmold, der uns seine Einkaufsliste geschickt hatte. Das alles nach einem Temperatursprung von 40° nach einer fast schlaflosen Nacht im Flugzeug. Es war ganz schön anstrengend und wir sind abends todmüde ins Bett gefallen.

In Dar es Salaam gab es noch eine sehr schöne Aufgabe zu erledigen, wir haben Spendengeld aus Deutschland umgesetzt. Am letzten Tag zu Hause erreichte uns eine E-Mail von Peter Hellmold, wir sollten bitte in Dar ein Lichtmikroskop für unser Labor kaufen, er hatte es in a laboratory equipment ordered by phone. Our old microscope has withdrawn permanently and become unusable. This microscope is designed for daily observations but absolutely necessary (especially for malaria and stool tests, as most patients, mainly children verwurmt,). The microscope cost 2 million Tan.Schilling, about 1000 €. So we have the generous donation of the architects Utta Enderlein with the proceeds from stamp sales to the Friends of the stamp collectors Harri Bechtel and postcards from my father, and Ebay auctions professionals increased, and it paid for the microscope. Our laboratory manager, Mr. Kaberege, it has delighted in Empang and put into operation immediately.

Mr. Kaberege and Mama Chogo went with a new microscope
On Thursday, then a jerk as far as Lugala, 13 hour drive. After the first rains, the road from Ifakara was partially eroded very. We were lucky that no truck is stuck on the track and, like the day before blocking the road. Thus, there are difficulties here as there, with us it's the mud, the snow in Germany.

Here we were received by then equal to the usual hospital everyday life with all its (financial) trouble. We have been welcomed, the us of course happy.
Revenue in recent months after the harvest well, but it is still the problem with the totally inadequate salaries increased. Even before we left for Germany, there were countless meetings and had in fact agreed on a compromise, but was not implemented with the salary payment in late November ....
be here by and by the ripe mangoes. We have already eaten plenty, it's really a pleasure. Instead of mulled wine at the end tastes mango juice with a shot ...
We now feel comfortable temperatures about 30 degrees, it is not quite as pungent as hot as in front of our departure, but this quite humid. However, the expected rain in recent days failed to materialize, there 'is always brewing up a few clouds, but it is not a drop.
I come with the air fares well, Peter, it may well prefer a little colder. The short-lived severe winter in Germany has been enough to me completely.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can You Use A Magic Eraser On A Baby

heat and fire

about the incredible heat now in the "African winter," I've been whining-it makes us to fully build especially me. Beate does so quite well. To about 9 clock in the morning it goes. Then it gets hot and hotter, against 14 clock you can no longer be in the sun. The floor literally glows and all the air is hot. The earth is rock hard, everything is dried up and groundwater has fallen far. If we go with the wheels are late afternoon and then it's still hot enough, the earth is everywhere broken, no puddle or mud hole is visible. There is dust, dust and dust again. We protect ourselves a little by leaving Charles as the first morning sprinkle the street in front of our house with some water. But people in the villages, they almost always live in the dirt: either round mud or dust. If you still consider that they are going long distances to a bucket or Kanister einigermaßen sauberes Wasser nach Hause zu schleppen und das reicht dann gerade zum Essen kochen und Trinken- dann kann man sich ausrechnen, wieviel zum Waschen bleibt. Auch im Hospital wird das Wasser langsam knapp. Der Wasserspiegel ist so stark abgesunken, dass es gegen Mittag kein Wasser mehr gibt- es konnte einfach nicht genug Wasser in die Versorgungstanks gepumpt werden. Und beim Wasserholen an der Pumpe muss man schon einmal 5 Minuten warten, bis wieder genug Wasser für zwei Eimer nachgelaufen ist. Erst mit dem abendlichen Einschalten des Generators springt die Pumpe an und versorgt uns auch im Haus wieder mit Wasser.

Bei dieser Trockenheit ist es verblüffend, wenn gerade jetzt Bäume begin to flower and fruit is ripe. The flame trees (Delonix regia) are beginning to bloom, and another, pink flowering tree as well (name will be replenished), and the fragrant Franchipanibäume are all over full of flowers. The mangoes are getting bigger, lemons grow even with us in the garden and papayas have been around for months. The latter are so fresh from the tree really is a pleasure and with the fruit in the fruit section of supermarkets in Germany can not compare-we must also have an advantage.

As if the heat were not enough-around is now an almost daily basis, the dry grass burned in der vergangenen Woche hat es unseren compound betroffen. Plötzlich waren am Nachmittag ringsum meterhohe Flammen und mein erster Gedanke war unser Diesellager. Im vergangenen Jahr wäre es bei dieser Gelegenheit beinahe in die Luft geflogen und es hatte wohl einiger Anstrengungen bedurft, um eine Katastrophe zu verhindern.

Auf Feuerwacht mit Tischler und Feuermeister Mr. Lyabonga

In diesem Jahr hatte ich vorsorglich einen Sicherheitsstreifen hauen lassen und es war richtig schön zu sehen, wie die Feuerwand bis zu diesem Streifen vorrückte, das Feuer nur noch weiterglimmte und could be knocked out easily. Around our house or garden, it burned too brightly, it was pretty dramatic, but not necessarily dangerous, it has felt like Beatrice, was at the property line circuit.

At the garden "fence" was thankfully final

A few tragic moments, there was yet, in our garden had been living for a few days, a mother cat with her three small kitten. Although they were shy, but it was always quite entertaining to watch them at play. The boys were looking for a hiding place and then left the fire on them. This was `s then.

is in the vicinity of the garden an old, tall tree had taken root in the half-way up a swarm of wild bees. The wax is melted and of course the tree was burning and burning-in was deleted (8-10 meters high!) Of the question. During the night, the upper part of the tree crashed into our garden. Nothing happened, Beate has brought a sleepless night, Emma and Charles have the next morning got the big pile of firewood. Close by was another tree stump is another bee's nest. We had always wondered where the mango flower during the humming all around us came the swarm of bees could not find it. Now burned the stump a couple of days pretty bad at the honey. I say quite deliberately, because I've never eaten such as aromatic honey here in Africa, there is another advantage for us. The best comes from Taveta, here very close and almost as good from Tabora. But that is far away-a trip to Tabora would take longer than a flight to Germany. But even at these distances we have become accustomed, even the fact is that at some point and somehow this honey from Tabora to Dar and you can buy it somewhere in a booth. You have to find the booth only.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Guy Cruiser North East

Tanzania in three weeks

Three weeks ago, I shared with Vera guest of Beate and Peter. Now I get the honor to a guest post on this blog Tanzania Adventure. My attempt to write
a structured story about the time in Tanzania, will not succeed me. Perhaps because Tanzania has no reasonable structure, maybe, because I lack the practice. Determines the latter. Therefore, the apparent arbitrariness in the following.

Habari ... (greetings)

We fail with our constant desire to accelerate in Tanzania already in the mutual greeting. For me it was a simple question for directions to the station. Irritated with Unverständnis im Blick und sehr zögerlich bekam ich mit einer Geste den Weg gewiesen. Was hatte ich falsch gemacht? In Tansania begrüßt man sich ausführlich!
Nach einer einführenden Frage nach dem Befinden, welche immer positiv beantwortet wird, kommt es zur obligatorischen gleichlautenden Gegenfrage. Diese wird – wie überraschend – natürlich ebenfalls positiv beantwortet. Dann kommen die Fragen nach Familie, Arbeit, Acker usw. Wenn dieser Dialog nach gefühlten fünf Minuten beendet ist, kommt man zum eigentlichen Thema. Das passiert uns u.a. bei einer Polizeikontrolle. Nach dem klassischen einführenden Palaver (übrigens eines der Worte aus dem Swahili, welches den Weg ins Deutsche gefunden ) has introduced the policeman firmly with great kindness, that our insurance had expired. After 5 € for his private and 10 € for the insurance we could continue.
What I could answer no one, how it works here with the emergency? At which point I would say that my house is burning?

clothing donations

So far, I thought this collection containers for meaningful Einrichtungen.Bisher!
The result of our clothing collections are auctions on various markets. Since about 5 men standing in the back and offer the land below, according to people screaming at each other through the garments. The winning bidder bekommt dann das Kleidungsstück zugeworfen und weitere, zum Auktionsteam gehörende Männer, kassieren das Geld sofort ein. Wenige Meter von dieser Auktion sitzen die Verkäufer und Verkäuferinnen ohne Kunden vor ihren Geschäften. Ebenfalls daneben sitzen Näherinnen mit ihren Singer-Nähmaschinen und warten vergeblich auf Kundschaft. Mit unseren „Spenden“ aus Europa und Amerika können nicht einmal die geringen tansanischen Lohnkosten konkurrieren.
Wir Europäer zerstören auf diesem Weg die Möglichkeit zum Aufbau einer Eigenversorgung und damit den Weg zur Selbstständigkeit. Die Abhängigkeit von Europa und Amerika – die wir zu jeder Gelegenheit beklagen - zementieren wir einfach.

Controlled cultivation

Once we can "teak furniture organically grown" and now with the appropriate approval in Germany and believe we have made also a Beirag with industry in Africa, in Tanzania you get a wonderful insight into the importance of this achievement.
Controlled cultivation means controlled logging of old appliances. Control begins with a slash and burn. After every last animal that could not escape in time, this has found its controlled end to be set with almost German sense of order at a distance of 1.80 meters, the teak trees. The forest is thus created to see that here Not much will settle. But the clean lines of this monoculture is seen that the only thing that will make even more progress here, the soil erosion.

Sauber! or say how the Tanzanians, "Safi" would.

aid to Africa

flow for many years, millions of funds to Tanzania. Germany alone has since 1962 a total of 1.6 billion EURO (€ 1,600,000,000.00) referred to development aid. For the years 2009 to 2011 is also about 50 million euros have been promised development assistance per year. This year, come back about 10 million euro budget support.

In two years anniversary! 50 years of development aid to a country in which the development assistance accounts for about 40% of the state budget. Although the country is stable from our perspective is, there seems to aid the regular dose of sedative to be.

Sure I miss this background! But it does not seem to work - that of development aid. After 50 years, perhaps a means should be reconsidered.

The dead mother and the toilet

Lugala died in hospital in a young woman. Devastating part is that the pregnant woman and her unborn child died because no vehicle was available to them in time to the hospital to bringen. Sie hatte seit dem Vorabend auf ein Fahrzeug gewartet. Wenige Minuten nach ihrem Eintreffen im Krankenhaus starb sie. Ursache war eine Uterusruptur. Bei der Einlieferung befand sie sich im haemorhagischen Schock. Sie hinterlässt drei kleine Kinder.

Am gleichen Morgen, kurz nach dem Tod der Frau, fuhren im Krankenhaus zwei Wagen ein. Eine Delegation des Distrikts, politische Vertreter der Division, Parteivorsitzende, der Hygienebeauftragte des Distrikts und die Polizei. Diese Delegation hatte ein gravierendes Problem zu lösen.
Eine Woche vorher wurden im Gästehaus des Krankenhauses „Staatsgäste“ beherbergt. Diese Gäste mussten tatsächlich, während sie auf der Toilette des Gästehauses saßen, see on a wall painted with oil paint. Just a Tanzanian state visitor has to look right on a 1.50 m high tiled wall while sitting on the toilet. In the afternoon there were two state carriages, to vote this time around the construction of two outdoor toilets.



Whatever is in this post, Tanzania is a beautiful country. The soil is fertile, the wildlife is abundant and people are generally friendly and kind.

Hi Beate, Hi Peter, thank you


How Much Does Jcpenny Salon Charge For Color

teak ...

... from environmentally certified Cultivation - this label suggests controlled management of forests and soothes the conscience of environmentally conscious tropical wood-loving consumers. Timber growing and - weft be accepted under certain criteria as organic, but at what price?

The reality is this:

In Mikumi, leave the so-called Tanzania-Zambia Highway, a busy route from Dar Es Salaam to Lusaka, reached after nearly 3 hours the small town of Ifakara on the banks of Kilombero. Until then, a predominantly poor road with deep potholes and a few paved sections. But the track is varied, you drive through forested hills, past sugar cane plantations and rice fields, tangential to the Udzungwa National Park, rich jungle mountains with magnificent waterfalls and colorful African diversity seen in the villages along the trail.

are in the oncoming traffic is not only inter-city buses, vans and rice beer / cola truck, but also heavily laden timber transport.

Once you have crossed over by ferry happy to follow up Lugala another four hours on - depending on the season - dusty or muddy slopes and some beautiful wooden bridges, all now battered by heavy timber transporters. This route also through forested areas, however, are typical of the original rain forest with all its species richness only a few sections left. The largest part of the path line now extensively planted and fenced-in teak plantations. Where these standing in a row and `member trees soar into the sky grew closer over the centuries and also during the dry season, forest green - and was burned down. Vast areas of forest gone, and thus all animals living there. The Teak "forest" is silent. The typical sounds of the tropical forest, a permanent whistling, chirping, chirping, hissing sound - nothing is heard. Only a few Affen streunen noch herum.

Die schnell wachsenden, großblätterigen Teakbäume entziehen mit ihrem enormen Wasserverbrauch dem Boden das Wasser und sorgen mit dieser Austrocknung für eine weitere Verschlechterung der ohnehin schwierigen Wasserversorgung. Man muss ja nicht gleich jeden Wald zum Nationalpark erklären und keinerlei Bewirtschaftung zulassen, doch diese großflächige Zerstörung eines intakten Ökosystems ist einfach unverantwortlich.

"Wald" ohne Leben - Teakplantage

Wie so often, a lot of money in the pockets of fewer people. A few day laborers earn a few shillings for hard work and have to ruin their own country.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Bake With Silicone Cupcakes

The last few weeks in review - Visitors, campaign and other experiences

mid-September were 6 members of the Lugala working group, which the hospital for 20 years has supported, as a guest. Without this financial assistance would be mainly to supply the patient with drugs is not possible. Now the visitors had plenty of surgical material, various devices including a new cordless screwdriver for the OP and some culinary delights for our luggage.

Our main activity was the day before in the cleaning up, unpacking and sorting. Bed linen, towels determined, a thousand (!) Washcloth from previous broadcasts, all waiting for months in crates and boxes to use. When asked why it is not distributed to the stations, we are told that it will disappear. Will it not be distributed, it is also of benefit to anyone, but that is the nurses care. Lieber allowed to rot away unused things, as that one does not begrudge the truly needy. Take a towel in her mud hut, then the purpose is fulfilled as yet. The washcloth we now distribute to the many mothers with their children, they are grateful and happy about it.

trips to Dar es Salaam are always associated with a variety of purchases, in addition to medicines and laboratory supplies to office supplies, cleaning materials, spare parts and consumables of all kinds are concerned. addition, you drive never alone, there are always passengers who are in the morning before the door, this time we still had patients to continue treatment at Muhimbili Hospital on board and rice bags, which we were given by employees for their relatives in the capital. The expected arrival of our Guests on Monday evening gave us the opportunity for a weekend in Zanzibar. After all the daily bustle of such a small time-out is very quiet, apart from the constant sms with wishes, what is missing all of a sudden and we still would not forget to bring, such as batteries, etc., printer cartridges.

During the two shopping days in Dar, we had a total of 3 flat tires, fortunately, the guest house of the Capuchins, our head quarters in Dar. There, a friendly helper has taken over the repairs. The tubes have already been patched several times just to be replaced at some point. The climatic conditions and road conditions have been a particular hardship for people and materials. On the way to Lugala there was for the guests with a stopover visit to the Bishop in Ifakara. In addition, we received the request, but still bring 2 new mattresses for the guest house. So rope was concerned and found the fully-loaded car with lots of luggage on the roof and another 2 mattresses place. In Germany, should be met with such a charge probably no traffic control.

On subsequent days, the visitor priest, medical staff and an administrative specialist have - their activities in the hospital looking for. The 20th anniversary of the partnership was a colorful evening with many photos of the past few years, mutual gifts, with Coke, and peanuts held shower entertaining and worthy.

Peter was then with the group in our Dispensary in Tanganyika Mazagati that we had visited during the rainy season before. There necessarily had to be repaired, which are only now the dry season on the buildings. No one has been spared in this effort and the building was in addition to the necessary repairs above all a thorough cleaning and fresh paint - so neat, it has probably never looked there. Was stayed in Taveta. So this three-day trip bound deep in the African Busch the pleasant with the useful.

was during this time the hospital (control) visit to the head doctor of the district, a day later, the health minister, because it's election campaign. This opportunity should be used to once again highlight the importance of the hospital. The precarious financial situation has its cause in the fact that the government only to personnel for a 60 - bed hospital recognition and only pay for salaries. Over the years, the number of beds has increased to double, sometimes even these are inadequate and of course more staff than in the early years employed. In addition, each year 15,000 patients treated as outpatients. Thus, the device a highly frequented by the public rural hospital and guaranteed basic health care for over 100,000 residents. However, it does not have the status of a district hospital for which staff is paid more, because this comes in Mahenge, about 6 hours, for many people to rainy season almost reached. The Minister took note of it, nothing more. Success remains questionable, perhaps to somewhere else more. In any event, had to be, well that time worked with the departure of our Lugala working group for the high-score geradeso visit the guest house completely cleared. Catherine and Kurt, two German students who have completed an internship at the hospital, had to move out as well. The two I simply quartered on us, so at least I was not alone, and during our subsequent absence someone has lived in the house.

Lugala The adoption of the Working Group follows the visitors in welcoming our guests for: vera and Uwe. The two were allowed to suffer too, like the msd-shopping before the "adventure vacation" should start the next morning. We had just left the capital when suddenly a stone flies through the windshield. But bad luck that there was no personal injury and thanks Sunglasses was nothing in `s eye. People said, this raises Confused ... more bricks.

blessing in disguise

role pavement is held together with the rest of makeshift, built into the Toyota garage a replacement disc, a new South Africa must be purchased. On the site of the workshop, we heard a distinct hissing sound, the next flat tire, as appropriate.

On the way to our evening milestone Mikumi to welcome giraffes and zebras. The visit to the park brought this time ein besonders schönes Erlebnis: wir haben ein gerade geborenes Impalababy entdeckt und konnten beobachten, wie es immer wieder versucht, auf seinen wackeligen Beinen zu stehen – und es doch noch nicht schafft, allerliebst!

Noch keine Stunde auf der Welt

Am nächsten Morgen macht uns der Lodge-Inhaber freundlicherweise auf einen platten Reifen aufmerksam, Nr.5. Wir hatten uns dort ohnehin mit einem nach Dar fahrenden SolidarMed –Mitarbeiter verabredet, also übernimmt dessen Fahrer für uns die Reparatur und kauft neue Schläuche, wir erledigen in der Zwischenzeit unsere Formalitäten. Die Tagesetappe ist außerdem nur short, our goal is the Udzungwa Mountains. A day hike takes you through shady forests to the Sanje waterfalls, from the small bush elephants living there, we see only the remains.

Refreshment in the jungle to the Sanje waterfalls, 170 feet high, now in the dry season only a little water

The drive to Lugala uneventful, no flat tire, the ferry is intact. Even on our arrival we take a strange, yet unique smell was and we suspect a decaying animal in the adjacent field. Hang the laundry the next day I noticed a colorful cloth in the tree behind the garden. Closer inspection confirmed the suspicion that there is somebody I think in short, now we are also observed from this side - the people are usually only on the street in front of the house and gucken – aber er bewegt sich nicht. Peter geht näher und meint, dort hängt jemand. Wir holen Peter Hellmold und benachrichtigen Polisi Steven. Man weiß inzwischen, dass es ein seit 4 Tagen vermisster Patient war. Er muss von seinen Verwandten identifiziert werden und soll, da man ihn nicht mehr in die Leichenhalle transportieren kann, solange dort hängen bleiben. Die Familie wohnt 40 km weg, das bedeutet: Hängenbleiben bis zum nächsten Tag. Mit dieser Gewissheit und dem immer stärker werdenden Gestank ist es keine angenehme Nacht. Am Sonntag kommen die Angehörigen und schaufeln direkt unter ihm ein Grab, eine andere Bestattung war nicht mehr möglich. Charles meldet sich am Montag krank, er hat sicher nicht verkraftet, dass He has worked in the garden, without anything to say.

sort The following week I devoted to Vera books for the library, Uwe is the virus-infected computers of our "Internet cafes". Time for bike rides, trips to Malinyi, Biro or Furua and reading is for the two of course.

On the way to Biro

The planned trip by TAZARA back to Dar has been canceled, announced the 14 h delay, it may well be even more sind auch für tanzanische Verhältnisse ein bisschen viel. Außerdem erwartete uns dann eine Nachtfahrt und das heiße, staubige Ifakara ist nicht gerade eine attraktive Metropole, um sich dort die Zeit zu vertreiben. So fahren wir gemeinsam mit Kuandika im Auto in die Hauptstadt, er kauft diverse Ersatzteile für Hospitalfahrzeug, Traktor und Generator sowie zwei neue Reifen für unser Auto, damit wir für die nächste Regenzeit gerüstet sind. Wir gönnen uns ein Eis, für uns inzwischen Luxus, den es außerhalb der großen Städte nicht gibt. Für Kuandika war es das erste Eis seines Lebens.

Gemeinsam mit Vera und Uwe verbringen wir eine Woche in einer Strandlodge Pangani in the Indian Ocean. A trip takes us to Tanga, the third largest port city in East Africa with German history, morbid charm and pleasant atmosphere. We will go there again determined.

Former dt hospital - thanks to donations of money from Germany saved with a new roof before the decline, but it will continue to remain unused

For us this is the first full week of leave for 7 months. Here we reach the mandatory sms, from what Dar is still everything to bring. So we embark on the adoption at the airport again on a buying spree do get the medication in stock, not the last time, it unfortunately is not this time and break again after Lugala. On the way we now have the sixth Plates, this time in the bush. That's enough. A helping tow the broken wheel on `s roof and we reach Lugala before nightfall. The house is dusty total, said Emma has plenty to do on Monday.

It is of Day to day hot, the thermometer in the house now shows 35 degrees, everything is dried up and the dust nuisance. Once rain now would be not bad, we really have to wait until the end of November.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Large Amount Of Discharge Before Period

A check on the way

At the end of each quarter, our internet fee must be paid, just over half a million shillings. That's a lot of money not only for our troubled by financial worries Hospital in Arusha, but the provider is a monopolist determines the price, is not exactly customer friendly. The hospital has not offered in the National Micro Finance Bank (NMB), an account, online banking is, so does the payment of bills by check.

order to pay the internet fee Lugala filled in a check-whatever-Hellmold Dr. and Mr. Moses will sign. The check must now be brought to Ifakara, it needs to find someone that goes to Ifakara and bringing the check. This works well, but after a few days after the check is returned to Lugala: the signatures are not the right place. The previous checks were as-signed this time the signatures are just not in place, therefore: a new check. A friend of Fundi Kuandika want to go to Ifakara-Kuandika gets an envelope with the new check and to give to him. A few days later, we are now in Dar es Salaam to pick up guests at the Lugala working group from the airport, we get a call from Mr. Matimbwi, the solar energy expert who for the past few years no longer works at the hospital. He informed us of a call from Arusha, it was still paid more money and internet access will be blocked. Criticism here is never expressed directly, but immer über Umwege angebracht, in diesem Falle über den ehemaligen Mitarbeiter. Eine Nachfrage bei Kuandika: ja, ja sein Freund hat den Scheck mitgenommen. Noch eine Nachfrage: hat er den Scheck abgegeben? Nun ist der Freund per Celfon nicht zu erreichen.

Ein kleiner Einschub: am nächsten Morgen soll ein Mitarbeiter mit dem Bus nach Moshi fahren, um 50 kg Natriumchlorid und 25 kg Dextrose für die Infusionsabteilung zu kaufen. Abfahrt ist 4 Uhr in Malinyi/Lugala, dann ca. 12 Stunden bis Chalinze, übernachten, am nächsten Tag noch einmal etwa 10-12 Stunden bis Moshi. Dort am übernächsten Tag die Chemikalien einkaufen und in gleichen Etappen zurück nach Lugala, immer mit 75 kg baggage.

We learn that Kuandika forget the check and the employee has given him. This has the check then to a passenger who gets out in Ifakara passed, with the request to leave the envelope at SolidarMed. An employee does the banking for our hospital. Another demand: there is the check has not arrived, but he is to be located in Ifakara. We will arrange a phone call that our stub scanned from the check book and sent to Arusha. Somewhat encouraging is that our Internet connection was not switched off. Like everything here it will be announced first, followed by deeds rarely - weder im positiven noch im negativen Sinne. Ob der gescannte Kontrollabschnitt die Firma beruhigt hat oder das Geld überwiesen wurde, wissen wir ein paar Tage später noch immer nicht.

Wenig später erhalten wir von SolidarMed die Nachricht, dass der Scheck eingetroffen ist, bei der Bank eingereicht und nun mit den Unterschriften akzeptiert wurde. Fortsetzung folgt.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To See A Vet Opthamologist

New challenges

Vor ca. 4 Wochen wurde eine vom Kreiskrankenhaus Torgau gespendete Röntgeneinheit, die einem Container beigestellt war, nach Lugala geliefert. Dieses moderne und leistungsfähige Gerät mit diversem Zubehör war in insgesamt 4 großen Holzkisten sicher verstaut und sollte nun endlich ausgepackt werden. Für solche Aktionen ist nur am Wochenende Zeit und so hatten sich am Samstag einige neugierige Helfer eingefunden. Die Kollegen der Sangerhäuser Holzbaufirma hatten schöne Kisten gezimmert und es mit dem sicheren Verschluss besonders gut gemeint. Es wurden unendlich viele Torx-Schrauben verwendet, für die zum Befestigen und Lösen ein spezielles Werkzeug benötigt wird. Wer hat so etwas im afrikanischen Busch? Natürlich der Hospitalverwalter mit seinem Akku-Bohrschrauber und den für die Torx-Schrauben passenden Bits. Der Akkuschrauber hatte schon des öfteren seine Bewunderer und in unserem versierten Hospitalfundi Kuandika einen Liebhaber gefunden. Für besondere Arbeiten bekommt er das Gerät leihweise und hatte es zwischenzeitlich schon in seinem für hiesige Verhältnisse gut ausgestatteten Werkzeugschrank einsortiert. Auch im OP wird ein solches Gerät aus einer früheren Spendenlieferung verwendet. Von diesem ist leider das Ladegerät defekt und so diente unser Gerät auch schon zum Knochen verschrauben. Für den OP erhoffen wir uns baldige Abhilfe, der Besuch einiger Lugala-Arbeitskreis-Mitglieder steht unmittelbar bevor, sie werden sicher einen Akku-Schrauber im Gepäck haben.
Die beiden Peter haben sich bei diesem Einsatz nicht geschont und damit wieder einmal Personal und Patienten beeindruckt. Leider gibt not even a photo. We had forgotten to recharge the batteries of the camera and the batteries are already available here unfit before they are even unpacked, you need it so buy the first place.

for construction and commissioning of the complete solution, we are now waiting for a mechanic from Dar es Salaam.

During this time I have copies for an existing local Polisi Steven of 50 A4 pages textbook 20 times. Our copier is indeed a very convenient device, but without ADF. Each sheet must be lodged separately and turned so the whole thing was quite cumbersome and time consuming. Also such a thing is only on weekends, on a normal working day our office is like Grand Central Station. There is no copier here, of course, far and wide, not so that this office will service as well as our Internet connection in the library be worth a lot for the hospital and become a modest source of income.

the afternoon, I've operated as a driving instructor. The hospital has 3 motorcycles, with which our medical officer for patient care now and go over land. The state program for health care requires that nurses also go to the so-called outreach and consultations in the villages and health education on nutrition, infant and child care, protection from HIV, malaria, etc. offer. Until now, Nurses were driven by car, car and driver were blocked for the whole day, transporting patients is not possible. Now we have for this purpose, a moped. The stands around unused for a month, because none of the nurses can take this pikipiki, someone has to teach it to them. I've agreed to, and of course before a round shot himself, after all I have for more than 25 years no longer sat on a scooter, than as a passenger with Jens on his S50. Back then it was my Schwalbe, this time a little, but I think, relatively heavy Honda 50th The once familiar Ride was fast despite this long break from driving again.

We had agreed on the clock 16.00 to the hospital owned airstrip. Of course, an eternity no one came and I had already contemplated again to drive, because now I seemed to me like the monkey in the zoo, or better the giraffe in the park, especially the countless children Mzungu-admired woman pikipiki with. But then they came - Mama Chogo, Prisca and Rose - in her flip flops and colorful Kangas.

first acquaintance with the Pikipiki

Despite these completely inappropriate footwear for the run three short training and less Vorführrunde by motorbike, which was off with the flip flops of course difficult. The layered, cumbersome and Kangas were taken after a short time. The most important: they enjoy and they want to go really own - let's see. are theoretical lessons and a test is not it. If we think it can go alone, then we buy for 5000 TSh (about 2.70 €!) A license to drive for the pikipiki and off you go. Now they practice every day, each with different skills - aber alle mit Turnschuhen.

Mama Chogo in Aktion

Mit Prisca bin ich die 5 km in`s Dorf sogar schon als Sozius zurückgefahren, allerdings in der hier bei den Frauen üblichen seitlichen Sitzhaltung, damit ich notfalls abspringen kann… Heute Nachmittag geht es weiter.

Rose mit Freude am Fahren

Rose war die eifrigste, fuhr jeden Tag ein paar Runden auf dem Hospitalgelände, hat sichtlich viel Freude am Fahren und war eine Woche nach der ersten Fahrstunde allein über Land move. The radius was limited to 5 km course only once, but this event was something special here and rose to be quite proud of himself.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why Are Some Ontario License Plates Red

What time is it?

the alarm clock we do not need here. Still in the dark all the cocks begin to crow of the village, is at the latest for us the night is over. Fortunately, there are earplugs for those who can sleep with them, I can not.

is between 06.00 and 07.00 clock on the sun, are seasonal differences are a few degrees south of the equator, not - and why it's every day 19.00 clock dark again. Under that same day during the times set up in Tanzania. Of course, here has a day 24 hours, but starts counting the hours of the day at sunrise with hour 0, and because it is the end of the night after 12 hours In our era, then it is 06.00 clock. Thus, the 12 hours of the day counted until dusk, and again with hour 0, and 12, the night begins, so clock 18.00 CET. If necessary, follow the clear indication of the additional time for the day and siku usiku for SAA began teaching daily 02:00 am - at night, as in English with am and pm

that's not familiar of us stunned when I sign up to Germany submitted a timetable of the school had. Then we could make no sense to us first, for the following breaks and finishing times did not fit naturally into our CET scheme. We found it very unusual, SAA 4:00 to go to the lunch break, 06:30 to speak of SAA and SAA Lunch 10:00 a.m.-school have.

now already history: the announcement of the transfer of the World Cup semi-final game ...

for us it was 21.30 clock.

Here, if appointments are made, do you do it in principle with the locals Kiswahili - times, otherwise they do not know the end.

Visiting hours for patient care

to which the members hold just about as there are, after breakfast, lunch and dinner, the usual meal times.

In Hospital appointments are generally familiar to us with the information-CET agreed, for the HMT - Hospital Management Team, which we also belong, speaks English.

There are in rural parlance some amusing for us descriptions for time to be designated by the usual activities for each day, such as "the herd bring to pasture" (at 08.00 clock), "bring the flock to home "(later than 17:00 clock), " is a person or what is it? "is the time between sunset and darkness, when you can hardly see anything, or" the pan on the fire " it's about 19:00 clock, when dinner is cooked.

Even this vague interpretations show that times here are worth nothing or are at best a rough guide. If a clock of 13.00 HMT meeting agreed, it never starts before 14.00 clock, at some point all spin and starts the endless palaver. For us it was a big adjustment, especially for the punctuality fanatics by the Court.

time plays no role for Tanzania. A Clock has anyway no one here is all the time and, if nothing else on - in abundance.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Scholarships For Bell's Palsey

One week holiday

After a short but in my opinion, a well-earned holiday has me in the everyday Lugala again. Long I had been looking forward to Claudia's visit, then almost three weeks with her gone by. Until the last day of their departure from Germany, we did not even know if they would actually come. With our operations here in Lugala we were of course very limited, had to turn out cycling through the bush villages and our planned hike through the rain forest Udzungwa Mountains. But was important above all that we could spend time together. Also, I was here anyway even a duty, as quarterly statements had to be done und wenn wir in Lugala anwesend sind, sind wir sowieso immer im Dienst - vor allem Peter, der auch schon mal nachts aus dem Bett gerufen wird, weil das Hospitalauto mit leerem Tank abgestellt wurde, man aber dringend einen Patienten holen muss. So hat Claudia eine ganze Menge Hospitalalltag erlebt.

Mit Charles als stolzem Chauffeur waren wir auf Spazierfahrt am Furua. Allein hätten wir uns in dem weitverzweigten Wegenetz durch die – jetzt trockene – Sumpfebene wohl hoffnungslos verirrt. Es ist ein idyllischer Platz und Charles meint, abends kämen Elefanten zum Fluss.

mit Charles am Furua

Our onward journey began a bit adventurous. Peter took us to Ifakara and wanted to go to our train ride the next morning along with a money courier and much-needed return to Lugala tires. Elisabeth Rotzetter, director of solid Armed offices in Ifakara was still usable tires, our "skinheads" to replace the time being. An unusually long line of cars at the Kilombero made us suspicious, soon after, the certainty - the ferry is broken. When she would again be operational, no one knew was repaired for some time. The fishermen took advantage of course, the opportunity and put the people against a multiple of the ferries with their canoes over.

is all about in the dugout at the Kilombero

not, there are crocodiles and hippos, but where was the excitement that day probably too large. We have seen in any event no. We ended up staying no choice but to cross the river as well, we wanted to plan the TAZARA (Tanzania-Zambia-Railway) in the morning drive to Dar Es Salaam. The train runs twice a week, you will be taken only with space reserved tickets. For a place in one of four 1st class carriages in the style of DR 80's and quite worn, should be the ticket buy at least 14 days in advance, you do not want to sweat in the crowded second class seats between humans, chickens, rice sacks and other oversized bags and bundles.
was quickly agreed with Elisabeth, money man and tires are brought to the shore, on set with Peter dugout and goes back with two / m. The idea that Peter runs into the darkness with his precious cargo through the wilderness after Lugala was scarier than me at the end but very quiet river crossing in the dugout.

Claudia and I had at the Ifakara page for a while on the solid-armed car waiting, was finally the weekend, drivers money man and not prepared for this use. Meanwhile, the ferry was actually going again and Peter was able to queue jumping and clever reference to his patient to be transported from the hospital Lugala with the second crossing to the other bank's to come. to the dugout on crutches with a set Mzungu could, of course, remind everyone.

on the delay of the TAZARA the next morning we were set, sometimes there are sometimes 20 hours. This constitutes nothing to anyone, because if we here in Africa and not much else has the time all have. Nevertheless, we were of course on time at the station, denn verlässliche Informationen gibt es nicht. Auf teilweise landschaftlich sehr schönen Strecken geht es recht gemächlich in 9 Stunden nach Dar. Allein der Abschnitt durch den Selous Nationalpark lohnt diese Fahrt, denn hier erlebt man sozusagen eine „Safari for free“.

Auf Sansibar gab es dann Erholung, wie man sich das auf einer exotischen Insel vorstellt: Sonne, Strand, Indischer Ozean, entspannte Menschen, reife Früchte im Überfluss, gutes Essen, für mich guten Wein – Claudia blieb bei ihrer Brause- ein bisschen faulenzen und lesen, auf Sansibar natürlich ein Bummel durch Gewürzplantagen und durch die verwinkelten Gassen der Stone town.

cloves just before the harvest

After a week climbed Claudia her plane to Berlin and me went there by ferry to `s mainland to Dar, the taxi bus and back into the bush. Peter picked me up half way and already waiting eagerly - see last post.

Friday, August 6, 2010

How Long Can A Stomach Ache Last

A week loneliness

I had Beate and Claudia Ifakara to the station, 7.00 clock should drive the train. Later I learn that the train had 5 hours late - it was still relatively on time, there were already 12 hours or more. Then a burst tire to be replaced, the wheel cross breaks off too, but that night I'm back in Lugala.
A very strange feeling, the only Mzungu to be far and wide. The doctor Peter Hellmold in Germany, Beate vacationing with Claudia and I am alone in the wilderness.
then see how the days? Social contacts outside of work is not and there will probably never will. So stay only: go work, bike, reading and internet. I start with the last and admit that I was until a few months is an absolute Internet ignoramus. There is a window to the world and I am grateful for this invention.

our window to the world

Reading is also a change, but every night alone with a book is not necessarily constructive. As bicycle ride is better, you just have to avoid the only paved road here. There are now more cars than usual (the rice harvest is in principle with the overloaded trucks made elsewhere) and now the dry season makes it one of the dust to create it. But on the outside because something is fun - the huts under palm trees, cashew nut and mango trees, the fire in front of the huts and children about children. It's like diving into another world.

by bike

yet it fails to work and there is already an unusual condition, and a bit disturbing to, share with anyone else can. Actually, there is a daily or more new problems, but if I then (as happened) a larger group would be faced by staffs and these are of the opinion denying them over 8 million shillings attendance fee - then it's a special situation. Or if the hospital fogged every day, around the Clock of burning garbage and is all plastic waste is burned with the same - this is not necessarily supportive atmosphere. In this case, I have dinner to try in the dark, using water to extinguish the fires. Of course, alone, who cares else
The Diesel settlement is deceived, that someone has stolen the diesel for the power supply is not replenished in time - and that's all you have to agree with him alone. Since it is difficult but the presence here not to call in Lugala in question.
I would not do this job alone here and if I think about it: I admire people such as missionaries, under much tougher conditions this Kreuz auf sich genommen haben. Da ziehe ich voller Ehrfurcht den Hut.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Companies That Will Donate Money

My visit to Lugala

After a long flight, I was glad to be in Dar Es Salaam and arrived safely back to ground under the feet have. At the airport when the visa issue, it proved advantageous to use crutches to be on the road - to which I was instructed, after I contracted a half weeks before leaving a two-fold torn ligament in the ankle hatte und der Afrikaaufenthalt nicht so leicht „vom Fuß“ gehen sollte, wie geplant – ich wurde nach vorn gerufen. Den Sicherheitsbereich verlassend, war die Freude groß, Mutti und Peter nach 4 Monaten wieder zu sehen. Nach ein paar Stunden bei einem Glas Brause am Meer stellten wir aber fest, dass es sich doch so anfühlt, als hätten wir uns letzte Woche erst gesehen.

Nach dem anstrengenden Flug, fand ich, hatte ich mir ein Stück Kuchen und eine Eiskugel verdient. :-)

The next day we set off for now Lugala. The road proved to be a real adventure and, admittedly, as risky. I was certainly glad when we reached our first waypoint - the Mikumi National Park.

This leads a highway and that is in the eyes of the Tanzanian truck drivers, unfortunately, literally. The animals stand next to and under the page break even in the middle of the road. Most of the drivers with their boards weak brake vehicles through the park - only interested in the fast arriving, but not the survival of the animals.

Let us turn back but the good things too - let the sight of peacefully feed the animals, which interfere on 3m distance and not willing to take pictures of us.

elephants on the road

The following day We had the visit of the Mikumi luck. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, hippos, monkeys - all we could marvel at close range.

curious giraffes and zebras

Many animals had boy whose charming to watch, especially when Mom brought to joyful Jauch Zern.

went after this interim stay there again on roads that are reported to us as bad roads and max. with 30km / h can be cycled. Here they just thunders with 80km / h ... and again I was glad to have arrived in the evening good - finally in Lugala.

I do not know quite what I expected. Was clear: we are really in the African bush landed.

The first thing that came to mind at the sight of the huts, was, "It seems here, as they did the Stone Age. Mud huts with thatched roof, before the fire. Chickens really run around everywhere. Occasionally there are little stone cottage. That's it. In stark contrast, is that everyone here, whether he can afford it or not, has a cell phone. There are colorful scarves and dresses, rubber boots and plastic buckets. But all live in the dirt.

mud huts in Lugala

When people need something, they go to - for it - great city So the next village Malinyi. There are at least a "market", a "mall" and even a bar

shopping area and bar in Malinyi

Every day I brought my gauntlet behind me - the road from our house to the hospital. There are only 200 meters. But these 200 meters I was screened and stared, as I would just landed from the moon. Well, whites know this already. But one with blue and red reflectors crutches - that was something new. To the views I have so far, after a week Lugala not used to. Quick had talked about everywhere that I am there. Every day new people were standing in front of the hospital and waiting for me with their curious eyes.

But otherwise you can get comfortable with the situation but as long as you do not continue to think about that one is cut wide and is in a different world.

The people here are nice, but have markedly a different mentality. With old car batteries to be heard loud radio. In the hospital the night light burning in spite bedtime. Tanks run empty, parked the vehicles easily. Charles poured in abundance of flowers. Everything is consumed, without worrying about what happens when it's time for all. Everything is there, is also consumed. The word "planning" will find no lovers and friends.

was there for lunch with us what was offered. Time someone comes over with (even) slaughtered beef, the next one brings (still living) or chicken with hat frisch gefangenen Wels im Angebot. Es gibt Reis, Kartoffeln und einige tansanische Beilagen. Obst und Gemüse gibt es auch. Darüber müssen wir uns keine Gedanken machen - die Menschen hier aufgrund ihrer Armut natürlich schon. Etwas hartes Fell muss man schon haben, um sich das jeden Tag angucken zu können.

Morgen reisen wir nun ab aus Lugala und verbringen noch ein paar Tage auf Sansibar zur Erholung. Die Fahrt von Lugala, zunächst zurück nach Dar Es Salaam, dauert länger als der Flug von Deutschland nach Tansania…

Während ich nun hier sitze and write, yet someone came to visit - for me, he wanted to meet me. After a bit surprised, because who wants to visit me here, it turned out that it is the local "Polisi. As we talked about our work, found that our two countries are different and said goodbye. Maybe there is a reunion, with all others.
