About the trouble with our faulty equipment I had already reported the repair of the copier was really expensive and our Charger for the solar system, before we 4 weeks in Dar es Salaam have given, we are still waiting. During the evening generator run time, the batteries are charged and the solar energy during the day is not enough to supply all equipment. Since then we have to live with constant power failures. For the are operating theater is now an economical small generator, we have especially for this purpose as the emergency set of Peter's private donation in Dar es Salaam bought.
On the way there we overtook the almost obligatory flat tire, but this time not only with flat feet but totally shredded tire that was bought in October last year again. With the spare tire, we luckily without incident to Morogoro. For the real thing with another Untewegs-breakdown I would not imagine, there are finally no ADAC, can wait for you ...
No quality tires from East Africa
Wie immer war unsere Einkaufs- und Erledigungsliste sehr lang und diesmal stand auch ein Bankbesuch auf dem Programm. Es soll möglich sein, für unser Bankkonto einen online-Zugang zu bekommen, mit welchem wir immerhin unseren Kontostand abrufen können – mehr geht sowieso nicht. Die SOLIDARMED-Chefin ist öfter in Dar, hatte diesen Zugang schon beantragt, eine Bestätigung mit Passwort für das erste Login auch erhalten, funktioniert hat es nicht. Das Bankgebäude war schnell gefunden, die eisgekühlten Glaspaläste sind schließlich nicht zu übersehen. Wir vermuteten den benannten Mitarbeiter in einer der oberen Etagen oder wenigstens in einem separaten Büro. Aber er saß middle of the main hall, like all other "customer service" surrounded by countless customers who all held him any piece of paper in my face and wanted to be served first. There was pushing and the most incredible mess that you are in a bank building can not imagine and which does not quite fit the more conservative Tanzania. The jostling, I gave Peter some point he got a current account statement, a form with a further signature and a promise that the online access is enabled in the next 3-4 days. Our consultants sounded very convincing, and despite almost a year Tanzania experience we believed him - it does not work today.
Die Trockenzeit war bzw. ist diesmal sehr lang und der Wasserspiegel weit abgesunken, was bedeutet, dass schon morgens kein Wasser mehr aus der Leitung kommt und nur die Pumpe bleibt. Für den Hospitalbetrieb wird natürlich auch Wasser benötigt und wir müssen ab und zu auf teuren Generatorbetrieb umschalten, um unsere Wasserpumpe in Gang zu setzen, die übrigens auch Ersatzteile brauchte. Wird Infusionslösung hergestellt, muss die Wasserversorgung ebenfalls gesichert werden. Letzte Woche bat der Mitarbeiter, den Generator anzustellen, für die benötigte Menge Wasser braucht er ungefähr 5h. Leider fiel genau in diese Zeit seine Pause und er ist erst einmal für über eine Stunde zum Lunch verschwunden. No one understands
here that are running water and electricity something special. We know that there is no water in the morning even more, turning the taps yet to stop and when the water is flowing again, must first find someone who endeavors to cut off the taps again. Emma and Charles are the way, since no exception. In a room of the nurses station, a water tap was turned, was no longer so close. And it bother anyone that the water continued to run continuously when the generator was turned on, and then the lights during the day in all rooms. Even our so prudent Matron lost not a word, they have it simply has no sense.
beginning of February were for 3 days, the auditors, the hospital under the microscope. Their verdict was not too outstanding, but not unexpected for me. Having established that Njaala going to study, took in July of last year, our young inexperienced accountant, and his work at that time also favored by SOLID ARMED accounting program was introduced. Although there was substantial support from their accountants and adept when requesting information, we always heard hakuna Shida Dr. (no problem) but it just was not quite so. In any case, there were some discrepancies in bookings from the paper documents that were captured not necessarily complete, what surprised at his loose bits of paper, however. It was of course our stupidity, in 2010 not to declare as a test run, is the introduction of new software, it eventually finds it difficult. But afterwards it is always wiser.
But as a result is here checked off quickly. All look forward and do better next year.
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