led the drive to Makambako our first time at the branch in Mikumi but not towards Dar es Salaam on the "Tan-Zam Highway as far south through beautiful mountain scenery. The road will be repaired, currently with Danish assistance and to switch between sections that deserve to be called expressway and causeway. It is interesting to observe the reduction of road building material. In Tanzania it is not exactly squeamish in cases of large, old trees, either as firewood or for burning of bricks, but baobabs are spared and remain on islands. To burn them, however, would also not be used because the soft trunk of the baobab is like a sponge and can store large quantities of water to it to survive secure in the dry season. For many locals, the trees are considered sacred, for which there is of course a story.

Makambako is a rather insignificant town and owes its popularity probably only the fact that it lies at an important transport hub, this cross railway (TAZARA ) and highway (Tan-Zam), both towards Zambia. (The z in Kiswahili as voiced s). We had arranged by telephone with Kuandika. It fit well, he was in the annual leave at home with his family, only about 5 hours by bus from Makambako entfernt und war auf dem Wege, sich ein Bahnticket bis Ifakara zu kaufen. Nach Besichtigung der kompletten Fracht hat Kuandika für einen kleinen LKW den Preis ausgehandelt, mit diesem wurden die große Kiste mit dem Narkosegerät, die sperrigen Krankenhausbetten mit den Matratzen und Rollstühle transportiert. Alle kleineren Kartons konnten in unserem Auto verstaut werden. Da Kuandika den Lorry nach Lugala begleitete, haben wir uns für die Rückfahrt 2 Tage Zeit gelassen. Einen Zwischenstop gab es für uns im ca. 1600m hoch gelegenen kühlen Iringa, und einen weiteren in den Udzungwa-Bergen. Iringa gilt als Tor zum südlichen Hochland und ist eine geschäftige Stadt mit fruchtbarem Umland. Schon in den 1930-er Jahren wurde Tabak angebaut and from this period are still a tobacco processing factory and a couple of very nice old buildings, however, have their best time long past. In addition to the tobacco there are tons of onions and tomatoes, you might think from here the whole country is supplied. In a cannery tomato and chilli sauces are made, which are considered the best of East Africa. Maybe.
course we go Kuandika inquired of the circumstances of the journey and have to learn that after a broken axle, which is here at the rickety vehicles on poor roads to normalcy, was a long enforced break. Ultimately, we almost simultaneously in Lugala on.
The beds are now enriching our intensive care unit, the anesthetic machine is still unused. Our anesthesiologist Lothi has delighted being received, he had experienced during his visit this device already in use in Torgau. For the mandatory Controllcheck before operation and in a prescribed cycle during operation needs including nitrous oxide, which in Tanzania probably hardly used and is therefore difficult to obtain. Previously, it was at least in Dar es Salaam is not available from the usual suppliers of medicines and hospital equipment, but you want to check there for us. Great things often fail on small details.
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