Wenn irgend etwas gekauft, repariert oder angefertigt werden muss, müssen wir unsere Handwerker, Angestellten oder den Fahrer als Mittler bemühen. Natürlich könnte man selbst nach Handwerkerleistungen oder „Dingen des täglichen Bedarfs“ fragen, aber wir sind nun einmal “wazungu“ und für uns gelten beim Einkauf oder für Dienstleistungen andere Preise – Weiße sind per se reich. Auf jeden Fall wird dann zuerst nach „imprest“ gefragt. Niemand hat hier genug Geld, um eine Leistung oder Ware vorfinanzieren zu können und braucht deshalb einen Vorschuss. Da es keine Festpreise gibt, wird jeder Vorschuss zur Verhandlungssache. Bei diesen Gesprächen erlebt man dann a strange phenomenon: When it comes to their own money, the employee count every penny. Since it can happen again, that a nurse, calculates the salary payment by the required rounding, it would lose in three months about 500 shillings (or about 25 cents). A wage differential of 1000Tsh will be demanded for sure at the next salary payment. Is it for the money but the hospital will know the generosity-no limits. Advances shall often simply absurd. For example, since, as already mentioned, for the production of two chairs ever written 2kg 2kg nails and paint, for the Construction of a small sewage pit in 1000 bricks or firewood carts for 7 105 liter diesel (so you could go to Dar es Salaam and a bit further!). There is - as always, several reasons for this incomprehensible in our eyes claims.
It is, and this is also witnessed in Germany, always easy to spend other people's money, as the proverb says, with a strange ass can be good to go through the fire. Since it can ever happen that the principal of the nursing school, wishes for the door to his office an expensive designer door handle set, the 3-4 times the normal cost. It is not his money privat würde er sie niemals!! kaufen oder auch nur an einen Kauf denken. In der Vergangenheit hat sich nie jemand die Mühe gemacht nachzuprüfen, ob die beantragten Mengen auch wirklich gebraucht wurden. Um auf die Abwassergrube zurückzukommen: als wir in Lugala ankamen, lag neben jeder der in den letzten Jahren gebauten Gruben ein Haufen Ziegelsteine. Es wurden eben irgendwann einmal 1000 Steine bestellt, 700 wurden verbaut und der Rest blieb liegen und irgendwann war er überwachsen oder zerfallen. Niemand hat gesagt: 700 Steine reichen aus, diese Rückmeldung war auch nicht ausdrücklich verlangt worden und der leitende Arzt hatte mit Sicherheit anderes zu tun, als sich um den Bau von Abwassergruben zu . Take care But it is still difficult to explain to the purchasers the amount actually needed and in relation to the stones that has also only works after I have shown on a wall, how much can be built with 1000 bricks. The many stones lying around, then we have built the way for a new pit and into the floor of a whole house and there were still some left.
It is different with the aforementioned nails, paint, pens, batteries or other small things that are always required in large quantities. So much can be consumed, and I find it impossible in these orders are on a saying from the DDR: off unseren Betrieben ist noch viel mehr herauszuholen. Was dann ja auch gemacht wurde- ich war da keine Ausnahme. Oder man einigt sich hier mit dem Verkäufer (der natürlich die volle Summe als erhalten quittiert) und teilt den Überschuss. So funktioniert das bei der Materialbeschaffung und wir haben den großen Vorteil, dass wir in unserem früheren Leben in einem sozialistischen System aufgewachsen sind und uns die Tricks und Beweggründe noch einigermaßen vertraut sind.
Bei „imprest“ werden aber auch gleichzeitig die Entlohnungen verhandelt und dabei wird es dann richtig spannend. Der Vorschussempfänger wird nämlich für den Auftrag cash worker hire and every shilling that he is acting out more, to his credit. It is therefore necessary to consider: what is the qualified labor, as is the normal day's pay for it and how much time must be estimated for completion. To return to stay with our sewage pit: the construction of the pit 100 000 Tsh were written. This corresponds to the monthly earnings of an unskilled worker - the amount demanded the wages for 20 days. One must therefore reckon that the daily wage is 5,000 Tsh, ask about the time required for the construction and then the sum set, plus an encore, because somehow have to end all parties are satisfied. The currently under construction, new bike shelter is another example. The old one was more than dilapidated, and the first Imprestforderung for the new building was a little over 1.6 million. A complex roof structure, everything is new-as I said, someone else's money is no object. We then agreed after a few calls to a simpler version, and also suggest that the waste material is reused. Now it costs to build nearly 200,000 Tsh. A further difficulty is that prices in the last year to 20 - have risen 25 percent. On our arrival the cost Tsh 1600 liters of diesel, now there are 2,000 Tsh, the price of a bag of cement has risen from 1,200 to 1,500 Tsh Tsh, and this inflation must be considered natural. These "negotiations", even if jobs are to be provided directly to cash worker, it is striking that for many locals is often difficult to see certain situations abstractly and to consider the consequences. Again the example of mine: I can demonstrate how much wall you can back up with 1000 bricks, when transferring to a surface is then already very difficult. Or, if a landfill is to be prepared. This requires a large pit to be prepared (when I read the previously written: one might think, here are constantly dug pits ...) for estimates of 500,000 Tsh. That's a lot of money and the 2-3 employed Workers can make good money with this project. They are for less than 4 weeks away. Two previously mentioned workers wanted to Tsh 1.2 million, a sum that they can not imagine likely. But for the money offered them work and not sit still at home, without any merit.
All this is really only one time to illustrate how the daily process is often complicated because it often "cross-cultural problems" there. But we have in one year here and noticed that it is impossible to compare our world with the world of the locals and even less transfer. Maybe that's a good thing, because it would be bad if the German approach should the whole world.
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