Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can You Use A Magic Eraser On A Baby

heat and fire

about the incredible heat now in the "African winter," I've been whining-it makes us to fully build especially me. Beate does so quite well. To about 9 clock in the morning it goes. Then it gets hot and hotter, against 14 clock you can no longer be in the sun. The floor literally glows and all the air is hot. The earth is rock hard, everything is dried up and groundwater has fallen far. If we go with the wheels are late afternoon and then it's still hot enough, the earth is everywhere broken, no puddle or mud hole is visible. There is dust, dust and dust again. We protect ourselves a little by leaving Charles as the first morning sprinkle the street in front of our house with some water. But people in the villages, they almost always live in the dirt: either round mud or dust. If you still consider that they are going long distances to a bucket or Kanister einigermaßen sauberes Wasser nach Hause zu schleppen und das reicht dann gerade zum Essen kochen und Trinken- dann kann man sich ausrechnen, wieviel zum Waschen bleibt. Auch im Hospital wird das Wasser langsam knapp. Der Wasserspiegel ist so stark abgesunken, dass es gegen Mittag kein Wasser mehr gibt- es konnte einfach nicht genug Wasser in die Versorgungstanks gepumpt werden. Und beim Wasserholen an der Pumpe muss man schon einmal 5 Minuten warten, bis wieder genug Wasser für zwei Eimer nachgelaufen ist. Erst mit dem abendlichen Einschalten des Generators springt die Pumpe an und versorgt uns auch im Haus wieder mit Wasser.

Bei dieser Trockenheit ist es verblüffend, wenn gerade jetzt Bäume begin to flower and fruit is ripe. The flame trees (Delonix regia) are beginning to bloom, and another, pink flowering tree as well (name will be replenished), and the fragrant Franchipanibäume are all over full of flowers. The mangoes are getting bigger, lemons grow even with us in the garden and papayas have been around for months. The latter are so fresh from the tree really is a pleasure and with the fruit in the fruit section of supermarkets in Germany can not compare-we must also have an advantage.

As if the heat were not enough-around is now an almost daily basis, the dry grass burned in der vergangenen Woche hat es unseren compound betroffen. Plötzlich waren am Nachmittag ringsum meterhohe Flammen und mein erster Gedanke war unser Diesellager. Im vergangenen Jahr wäre es bei dieser Gelegenheit beinahe in die Luft geflogen und es hatte wohl einiger Anstrengungen bedurft, um eine Katastrophe zu verhindern.

Auf Feuerwacht mit Tischler und Feuermeister Mr. Lyabonga

In diesem Jahr hatte ich vorsorglich einen Sicherheitsstreifen hauen lassen und es war richtig schön zu sehen, wie die Feuerwand bis zu diesem Streifen vorrückte, das Feuer nur noch weiterglimmte und could be knocked out easily. Around our house or garden, it burned too brightly, it was pretty dramatic, but not necessarily dangerous, it has felt like Beatrice, was at the property line circuit.

At the garden "fence" was thankfully final

A few tragic moments, there was yet, in our garden had been living for a few days, a mother cat with her three small kitten. Although they were shy, but it was always quite entertaining to watch them at play. The boys were looking for a hiding place and then left the fire on them. This was `s then.

is in the vicinity of the garden an old, tall tree had taken root in the half-way up a swarm of wild bees. The wax is melted and of course the tree was burning and burning-in was deleted (8-10 meters high!) Of the question. During the night, the upper part of the tree crashed into our garden. Nothing happened, Beate has brought a sleepless night, Emma and Charles have the next morning got the big pile of firewood. Close by was another tree stump is another bee's nest. We had always wondered where the mango flower during the humming all around us came the swarm of bees could not find it. Now burned the stump a couple of days pretty bad at the honey. I say quite deliberately, because I've never eaten such as aromatic honey here in Africa, there is another advantage for us. The best comes from Taveta, here very close and almost as good from Tabora. But that is far away-a trip to Tabora would take longer than a flight to Germany. But even at these distances we have become accustomed, even the fact is that at some point and somehow this honey from Tabora to Dar and you can buy it somewhere in a booth. You have to find the booth only.



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