Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Steel Seal Head Gasket Repair Sale


led the drive to Makambako our first time at the branch in Mikumi but not towards Dar es Salaam on the "Tan-Zam Highway as far south through beautiful mountain scenery. The road will be repaired, currently with Danish assistance and to switch between sections that deserve to be called expressway and causeway. It is interesting to observe the reduction of road building material. In Tanzania it is not exactly squeamish in cases of large, old trees, either as firewood or for burning of bricks, but baobabs are spared and remain on islands. To burn them, however, would also not be used because the soft trunk of the baobab is like a sponge and can store large quantities of water to it to survive secure in the dry season. For many locals, the trees are considered sacred, for which there is of course a story.

baobab or monkey bread trees - enjoy respect and not like

Makambako is a rather insignificant town and owes its popularity probably only the fact that it lies at an important transport hub, this cross railway (TAZARA ) and highway (Tan-Zam), both towards Zambia. (The z in Kiswahili as voiced s). We had arranged by telephone with Kuandika. It fit well, he was in the annual leave at home with his family, only about 5 hours by bus from Makambako entfernt und war auf dem Wege, sich ein Bahnticket bis Ifakara zu kaufen. Nach Besichtigung der kompletten Fracht hat Kuandika für einen kleinen LKW den Preis ausgehandelt, mit diesem wurden die große Kiste mit dem Narkosegerät, die sperrigen Krankenhausbetten mit den Matratzen und Rollstühle transportiert. Alle kleineren Kartons konnten in unserem Auto verstaut werden. Da Kuandika den Lorry nach Lugala begleitete, haben wir uns für die Rückfahrt 2 Tage Zeit gelassen. Einen Zwischenstop gab es für uns im ca. 1600m hoch gelegenen kühlen Iringa, und einen weiteren in den Udzungwa-Bergen. Iringa gilt als Tor zum südlichen Hochland und ist eine geschäftige Stadt mit fruchtbarem Umland. Schon in den 1930-er Jahren wurde Tabak angebaut and from this period are still a tobacco processing factory and a couple of very nice old buildings, however, have their best time long past. In addition to the tobacco there are tons of onions and tomatoes, you might think from here the whole country is supplied. In a cannery tomato and chilli sauces are made, which are considered the best of East Africa. Maybe.

course we go Kuandika inquired of the circumstances of the journey and have to learn that after a broken axle, which is here at the rickety vehicles on poor roads to normalcy, was a long enforced break. Ultimately, we almost simultaneously in Lugala on.

The beds are now enriching our intensive care unit, the anesthetic machine is still unused. Our anesthesiologist Lothi has delighted being received, he had experienced during his visit this device already in use in Torgau. For the mandatory Controllcheck before operation and in a prescribed cycle during operation needs including nitrous oxide, which in Tanzania probably hardly used and is therefore difficult to obtain. Previously, it was at least in Dar es Salaam is not available from the usual suppliers of medicines and hospital equipment, but you want to check there for us. Great things often fail on small details.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Does Cocoa Butter Help Scars

ride to the start of New Year greetings

is much for us even after 10 months in Lugala difficult to understand.

school in our Nursing, there are 2 volumes with nearly 100 students, who retired from the school principal and 2 teachers, which, however, be visited as a Tanzanian government officials primarily well-paid meetings, taught. A few hours can also be given by staff of the hospital, which is much too little and they need trainers. For our registered nurses, a one-year training is sufficient in an examination, they are Nurse Tutor. So was asked by posting who has this interest. SolidarMed will pay all costs. Even on New Year's afternoon, the HMT was called the SolidarMed - representative had the training contracts a few days earlier made known to all and we expected a quick signature round. Actually, we should have known it when you have once arrived to the meeting, it will chatter. But the most incomprehensible for us here is that the three the chance to get a higher education, all costs, including accommodation, food, writing materials usw. werden übernommen und sie bekommen ihr Gehalt vom Hospital zu 100 % weitergezahlt. Doch statt wenigstens einem leisen Danke, kam als erstes Kritik, dass sie laut Vertrag 3 Jahre als Ausbilder in Lugala arbeiten müssen. Da fehlen einem schon mal die Worte.

Eine der drei Kandidatinnen war in den Wochen zuvor vom Schulleiter als eine Art Zeugwart eingesetzt worden. Damit hatte sie die Verantwortung für die Beschaffung von Material und Lebensmitteln und natürlich auch für die Aufzeichnung des täglichen Verbrauchs. Wir verwahren lediglich das Geld, geben es nach Anforderung des Schulleiters heraus und führen ein Cashbook. Reis, Mais und Bohnen müssen jetzt in großen Mengen eingekauft werden, für the storage, the hospital had the big crates provided the donations last delivery. Some things are the price seemed a bit high, and Peter said casually that he would ask Charles, where one buys the cheapest. For purchases much money was spent, always with the proviso appropriate receipts or at least the signatures of the people, of which as few bags of rice and beans were bought forward. Because of their imminent departure, they brought her out now as desired records in our office, a successor has not yet been named and is actually the transfer issue of the school head, der wie so oft nicht da war. Aber um ihr den Gefallen zu tun, haben wir gemeinsam alle Lagerräume aufgesucht - mehr als die Anzahl der Säcke feststellen konnte ich ohnehin nicht – und ich fragte, warum sie in ihren Heften nicht unterschreiben lässt, wem sie Geld für Fisch, Fleisch oder Bananen gibt. Es stimmte so vieles nicht. Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob sie es nicht besser wusste oder eben das viele Geld zu Schummeleien verleitet. Am nächsten Tag war alles irgendwie passend gemacht... Sie ließ die Bücher im Büro und auch die Schlüssel für die Lagerräume, obwohl sie ja noch ein paar Tage da war, doch verständlicherweise Zeit für ihre eigene Vorbereitung brauchte. Ich war damit einverstanden, weil in unserem Büro immer jemand ist, der den Schlüssel herausgeben kann.

Nach einem ruhigen Silvesterabend in kleiner deutscher Runde – zur Zeit weilen wieder 2 Studenten in Lugala – und einer Flasche Sekt um Mitternacht, begann der Neujahrstag mit großer Aufregung. Peter Hellmold meinte, der Schulleiter wäre da, völlig aufgelöst, er fühle seine Autorität untergraben, könne hier nicht mehr arbeiten, alles sehr theatralisch. Was war der Grund? Zunächst beklagte er sich, dass er keine Schlüssel für die Lagerräume hat. Die gebe ich immediately gratefully, finally, I should not even have. Much worse was that Peter had mentioned Charles to ask for prices. That would could now not really, if he says as principal, how much money is spent as for beans (prices vary during the year very strong) then you surely can be determined by a Gardenboy no other price. Previously, he had asked about Charles' qualifications. That our Gardenboy has often stepped in enough to take our car to the corn or rice mill, because its students in the morning before the door stood and complained that they had nothing to eat, we'd rather not mention at this moment. A driver here has a very high status and who knows whether the license of a guard Boys in his eyes is enough of pupils accompanied sacks to the mill to drive.

always be put at the end of all that there are simply misunderstandings and we passed each other in a friendly. Of course he is happy to head in Lugala.

busy in the next few days I have still the nursing school. A 4 - week internship in village health stations for the students of the 1st Cohort is to be prepared, ie 4 groups cater for themselves, have all the equipment purchased, including cooking pots, Holzkohleöfchen small, which is cooked on here and lamps, rice, maize flour and beans are packed. Money for tomato, meat, fish, etc. given. A cost estimate was not there before and still charge nurse asks me to help her. I immediately fall back on the concerns of the school head. I will certainly not determine how many students eat when, and only take on the arithmetic. Altogether there are about 20 items, from corn flour to the oil lamp, and after a few hours I give some notes from the till.

But that is still not enough, the student must be brought to the various locations, but our driver is in the next Meet with patients on the road. So once again, our car will be used and one of our students as a driver is looking forward to the fun with the Land Cruiser.

Besides, there are many other annoyances, our copier has given up the ghost, after several only sporadically successful repair attempts, we have to take it next time with Dar, our elderly solar system gets out more often and we need to switch to expensive generator operation, the employees are dissatisfied despite huge salary increase, because the escalating allowances are to be trimmed to a reasonable level ... We waited all day on the news from Makambako that the donation container has arrived for collection. We were informed that the containers, which our cases were settled is on 17 December by road from Dar was underway. The responsible staff member was asked to make contact with the parish priest and to inquire about the arrival of the container. In our daily demands, there was always the same answer: bado - yet. After he was on 3 had logged off again in January for a week to Dar for one of its important meetings, we have even called and told that the show is, since December 24 in Makambako and this was communicated by telephone. It probably has the employee is not interested, because this time nothing personal for him it was the last time he was so overzealous. The community can be the safe storage of such supplies understandably pay well, there are several institutions in the South, for whom this station is a temporary storage. In order to avoid further storage costs, we left the next day after Makambako. For us it was a welcome change that later.
