before last night we are on the east by a chaotic noise awakened. Not far from our house, screaming men, women and screaming can be heard blows. We think that there will be a fight among drunks. On the bright morning then a great outcry and eventually we learn the cause of the nocturnal noise: 5 people in the tiny Duka la dawa (pharmacy) entered the village to steal, and would obviously have been surprised. A thief has caught them, the others could escape. The one they killed with clubs. This is common practice in this country certainly, but it is then but a difference whether you hear in stories like this, directly or witness is. The self-proclaimed Rächern wird übrigens nichts geschehen: erstens gehört das zur Folklore und außerdem kann kein Richter unter mehr als 20 Knüppelaktivisten den Schuldigen herausfinden- insofern ist hier Diebstahl mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden. Niemand findet das nicht in Ordnung, das Leben geht seinen gewohnten Gang.
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