Friday, December 31, 2010

Court Order Comunity Service Letter

The year 2010 is over, hopefully for all back with a satisfied look. For us it was an exciting and exhausting year with many new impressions and Experiences, positive as well as depressing and sobering experience.

We wish you all the best in 2011 `s, health, confidence, joy to overcome new challenges and power, one way or another hurdle.

We come to mind for the New Year with you, to welcome in 2011, however, already 2 hours earlier.

Karibu 2011!
Karibu Tanzania!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Flashgame Train Bridge


before last night we are on the east by a chaotic noise awakened. Not far from our house, screaming men, women and screaming can be heard blows. We think that there will be a fight among drunks. On the bright morning then a great outcry and eventually we learn the cause of the nocturnal noise: 5 people in the tiny Duka la dawa (pharmacy) entered the village to steal, and would obviously have been surprised. A thief has caught them, the others could escape. The one they killed with clubs. This is common practice in this country certainly, but it is then but a difference whether you hear in stories like this, directly or witness is. The self-proclaimed Rächern wird übrigens nichts geschehen: erstens gehört das zur Folklore und außerdem kann kein Richter unter mehr als 20 Knüppelaktivisten den Schuldigen herausfinden- insofern ist hier Diebstahl mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden. Niemand findet das nicht in Ordnung, das Leben geht seinen gewohnten Gang.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rubbermaid Vs. Efla Shelving

Our Christmas Christmas greetings

Der Heiligabend- Arbeitstag endet ausgesprochen unerfreulich: gegen 16 Uhr kommt eine Nurse und erklärt uns, dass sie an ihrer Wohnung einiges auszusetzen hat. Bei Starkregen spritzt Wasser an ihre Tür, im Hof läuft das Regenwasser nur langsam ab, ein Schloss ist defekt und überhaupt ist die Wohnung für sie und ihren ganzen Hausrat (alles zusammen passt in eine Badewanne) zu klein. Ich sehe es mir an, die Mängel können behoben werden, sind aber seit Wochen bekannt und außerdem ist jetzt Freitagabend- man könnte also bis Montag warten. Nein, ihr husband würde kommen, außerdem gefällt ihr die Wohnung nicht und sie möchte eines der freien Häuser haben. Nebenbei: sie arbeitet erst seit vier Monaten bei uns und das Hospital hatte ihr sämtliche Studiengebühren bezahlt. Daraufhin lasse ich sie einfach stehen. Doch sie kommt wieder ins Büro und will sofort alles repariert haben. Nocheinmal erkläre ich ihr, dass jetzt kein Handwerker mehr da sei, aber sie meint, dann I will make it. Then the discussion is first of all to an end. In the following conversation with Mama Chogo and Moses is clear that it is not about the shortcomings of the house goes: the nurse was simply an excuse to be able to make the dust - because of the sponsorship they have under the contract to work 3 years in Hospital . It is not the first, will just disappear. We go first to Malinyi, there has just opened a new pub-elevated standard for the village. We allow ourselves together and still have four beers before the darkness back home. It is now about half an hour more daylight, but the shortest night is now already again behind us. We read and I try reading the Christmas story to get in the mood, but it will not succeed me.

On 1.Weihnachtsfeiertag we are in the office until the afternoon, then finally concluded and there is our dinner on the terrace: Beate a young muscovy duck has cooked with potatoes and for dessert - of course - mangoes. For cycling, it's too hot. In the evening we see the film "Keinohrhasen", it's suitable entertainment.
the 2.Weih
night holiday, the way it does not exist in Tanzania, we begin with a hearty breakfast, then drive to Sofi mission. The town is ca.30km removed, we need but nearly an hour by car.

Sofi Mission

is beautifully situated on a hill, the old mission station and its associated outbuildings, as well as school and hospital. The latter no longer works and also from the farm buildings, most occurred long ago. But it's an impressive place. We walk towards the mountains and then gets really nice.

The temperatures are like in high summer in Germany - if it even is a right old German summer - and the forest is like the Hainich or on the Hainleite May Everywhere fresh green, the Brachystegiabäume with fresh leaves and flowers blooming everywhere:

orchids, lilies and iris - it's incredible and we are very impressed.

Just in time for a strong storm we reach our car.

wait Our many mangoes waiting to be processed. So we make jam, which we succeed in good and fruity taste. In the evening there again cinema and we have Christmas with "Oceans 13" end entertaining.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Aveeno Fragance Free Good For Tattoo?

We want our families, friends, acquaintances and other readers of our blog a happy and peaceful holiday season, moments of magic and time together.

Christmas spirit comes to us not so well. Warm humid air at 30 degrees just does not fit to do so. "Christmas trees" but there are. By this time the flame trees are in full bloom and are therefore referred to here as Christmastree.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do You Think Interest Rates Will Go Up Or Down

once Germany and Back

The farewell to Germany we would have fallen much harder than we expected. Heavier than when we first leave the country. At that time, 9 months ago we knew absolutely not what we would expect to find in Lugala and We had actually set for the worst. Our expectations were pleasantly surprised, we have arranged with the life here and do our job in the hospital without any great illusions. This work does, unfortunately, also the daily confrontation with indifference, denial of reality and often have low levels of responsibility. This change from one dominated world of rational thought in the African culture is not easy for us. But what is left of our vacation in your mind?
First : that with the expected recovery has become nothing. We'd really need to know-in the fullness of the project and tasks. Perhaps I had simply made too much, after 9 months was the first opportunity and since you can sometimes lose the right measure.
Second : it was a pleasure to see again once temperatures below 10 degrees, although the crash of about 40 degrees when we left Lugala to freezing temperatures during our stay in Arnstadt and elsewhere was a bit violent . We can imagine that the ongoing snowfall (from which we learn via the Internet) is really annoying, I was certainly very grateful to experience a winter landscape.
Third : Food. We started with pork / sauerkraut and Erbspürree and ended with duck. In the days in between all the delicious German food, of course, we have increased both anything. Next time a few words about our eating habits here in the bush.
Fourth: we think that the Europeans appreciate the people here probably never fully or even understand. The habits of mind are just too different. We have noticed that some well-meant advice - in Europe this or that might be taken forward, but here the people tick just different. An example: we have very a space for newly burned children (happens often) set up, paid for by SOLID ARMED. Everything is tiled and there is a trough in which the young patients in need can be roars with warm water. Yesterday there was quite a stir - the patients and their families wash mountains full of clothes in the bath and the special treatment room has turned into a wash-house. They said that was practical and obvious, especially since most of our patients probably out of the bush have never heard of a bath, let alone have seen. The tub was full of sand and very dirty. We have had a somewhat different view.

Meanwhile we have here in the hospital the day again and that means, among other things: our accounting assistant is for 3 weeks vacation, that all work remains with us hanging, Beate takes care of the future of the finances and management of the nursing school (which now has 100 students) , a clinical officer is cut off by DAR - despite a written commitment to work according to the study paid by the hospital here a few years. In addition, last week was without signing a retired teacher at the door the next day and wanted to start working as a trainer for the nurses. Just under a year she had requested and now she has decided. All of a sudden. The `s had to first to be accommodated in the guesthouse. The students are by the way .... even during the Christmas holidays In addition, later this month over 2 million TSH additional payment to a former clinical officer due. This has disappeared several years ago after a dispute with the former hospital doctor during the night and fog, a proper notice was not made retroactively. So he was still officially employed. Although he was never seen again here, since then working in another hospital, he had successfully appealed to the regional office of the Tanzanian trade union unity to "lost wages". What can we say. Thursday evening at 22.00 clock are - of course-three unannounced Representatives of social security on the compound will be housed and fed. You want to conclude contracts with employees so that they, their spouses and children treated in sickness free. The hospital receives a fixed amount for each. The whole affair is well known for weeks, forms should be completed and passport photos to be done but nothing is ready. It's all just lying there. Beatrice has a long two days filled with all forms, copies of marriage and birth certificates. It continues with the laboratory staff: The laboratory is staffed pretty well. They have found their own regime and do not have to work overtime, do not understand why they do not still get extra allowances.

That should be enough. In a previous post by a pink flowering tree was the speech, the name was not familiar to me. It is a Bauhinia, orchid tree also called and named after the switzerland / French. Bauhin botanists.


M Belly Ringsonster Energy

this short paper I had written before mid-November after we left Germany and password set, so at this point as an afterthought, since the issue is currently still in place and every day we find all the other big and small surprises busy.

On the last weekend of October a very expensive election campaign came to an end and all of Tanzania were invited to choose a new government. Predictably, remains President Kikwete further 5 years in office. In particular, the voices of the Tanzanian Government officials and all other state employees, he could probably be safe. The government has shown previously at their best again and increased the salaries of government employees by 28% completely covered, whether the facilities, including hospitals, it can cope financially or not. Of the 80 employees of the Lutheran Hospital Lugala 18 paid by the government on this claim, of course, not want to miss. be found quite apart from that it also increases our employer, a balance had to the other hospital employees. There was a meeting every day, subject: take one bit and the other to give something. And in the end no one is entirely satisfied. For us, this is obviously a difficult situation, because reserves are not there and the savings potential is exhausted. There will be no redundancies as possible. Thus, we expect to and fro, without reaching a satisfactory solution.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Wedding Messagespiritual

2010 elections back from home leave

Now we're back for a week in Lugala. For the return journey we had probably chosen the right day when we see that Germany is sinking in the snow, roads blocked and airports closed. At least, the news on the Internet.
With our luggage we had exhausted the 40 kg for each almost the whole case took 72 kg on the scale, primarily because of the tools, surgical materials and equipment for the hospital. For our purely private things probably would have been enough to hand luggage. The interested in. Fortunately, not all the luggage. The saw blades, because we had to unpack the suitcase on the flight home went smoothly this time in Berlin by the control. worked with the circular saw blades our carpenter for 20 years. Finally, was hardly an ordinary cutting is possible and so we brought the blades for sharpening. Mr. Steikert of the CNC - Tool grinding Steikert in Göllingen she has kindly sharpened free of charge for us.

Kuandika, our driver picked us up at the airport on Wednesday afternoon and then began already equal to the stress. Since Independence Day on Thursday, and thus national holiday, was all purchases had done just after our arrival will be, so drugs at two different wholesalers Kuandika had a list of spare parts for vehicles, of which he still before our arrival nicht alle besorgen konnte und natürlich auch diverse Lebensmittel und andere notwendige Dinge für die nächsten Wochen (wie Nudeln, Butter, Olivenöl, Kaffe, Waschpulver....), auch für den Arzt Peter Hellmold, der uns seine Einkaufsliste geschickt hatte. Das alles nach einem Temperatursprung von 40° nach einer fast schlaflosen Nacht im Flugzeug. Es war ganz schön anstrengend und wir sind abends todmüde ins Bett gefallen.

In Dar es Salaam gab es noch eine sehr schöne Aufgabe zu erledigen, wir haben Spendengeld aus Deutschland umgesetzt. Am letzten Tag zu Hause erreichte uns eine E-Mail von Peter Hellmold, wir sollten bitte in Dar ein Lichtmikroskop für unser Labor kaufen, er hatte es in a laboratory equipment ordered by phone. Our old microscope has withdrawn permanently and become unusable. This microscope is designed for daily observations but absolutely necessary (especially for malaria and stool tests, as most patients, mainly children verwurmt,). The microscope cost 2 million Tan.Schilling, about 1000 €. So we have the generous donation of the architects Utta Enderlein with the proceeds from stamp sales to the Friends of the stamp collectors Harri Bechtel and postcards from my father, and Ebay auctions professionals increased, and it paid for the microscope. Our laboratory manager, Mr. Kaberege, it has delighted in Empang and put into operation immediately.

Mr. Kaberege and Mama Chogo went with a new microscope
On Thursday, then a jerk as far as Lugala, 13 hour drive. After the first rains, the road from Ifakara was partially eroded very. We were lucky that no truck is stuck on the track and, like the day before blocking the road. Thus, there are difficulties here as there, with us it's the mud, the snow in Germany.

Here we were received by then equal to the usual hospital everyday life with all its (financial) trouble. We have been welcomed, the us of course happy.
Revenue in recent months after the harvest well, but it is still the problem with the totally inadequate salaries increased. Even before we left for Germany, there were countless meetings and had in fact agreed on a compromise, but was not implemented with the salary payment in late November ....
be here by and by the ripe mangoes. We have already eaten plenty, it's really a pleasure. Instead of mulled wine at the end tastes mango juice with a shot ...
We now feel comfortable temperatures about 30 degrees, it is not quite as pungent as hot as in front of our departure, but this quite humid. However, the expected rain in recent days failed to materialize, there 'is always brewing up a few clouds, but it is not a drop.
I come with the air fares well, Peter, it may well prefer a little colder. The short-lived severe winter in Germany has been enough to me completely.
