mid-September were 6 members of the Lugala working group, which the hospital for 20 years has supported, as a guest. Without this financial assistance would be mainly to supply the patient with drugs is not possible. Now the visitors had plenty of surgical material, various devices including a new cordless screwdriver for the OP and some culinary delights for our luggage.
Our main activity was the day before in the cleaning up, unpacking and sorting. Bed linen, towels determined, a thousand (!) Washcloth from previous broadcasts, all waiting for months in crates and boxes to use. When asked why it is not distributed to the stations, we are told that it will disappear. Will it not be distributed, it is also of benefit to anyone, but that is the nurses care. Lieber allowed to rot away unused things, as that one does not begrudge the truly needy. Take a towel in her mud hut, then the purpose is fulfilled as yet. The washcloth we now distribute to the many mothers with their children, they are grateful and happy about it.
trips to Dar es Salaam are always associated with a variety of purchases, in addition to medicines and laboratory supplies to office supplies, cleaning materials, spare parts and consumables of all kinds are concerned. addition, you drive never alone, there are always passengers who are in the morning before the door, this time we still had patients to continue treatment at Muhimbili Hospital on board and rice bags, which we were given by employees for their relatives in the capital. The expected arrival of our Guests on Monday evening gave us the opportunity for a weekend in Zanzibar. After all the daily bustle of such a small time-out is very quiet, apart from the constant sms with wishes, what is missing all of a sudden and we still would not forget to bring, such as batteries, etc., printer cartridges.
During the two shopping days in Dar, we had a total of 3 flat tires, fortunately, the guest house of the Capuchins, our head quarters in Dar. There, a friendly helper has taken over the repairs. The tubes have already been patched several times just to be replaced at some point. The climatic conditions and road conditions have been a particular hardship for people and materials. On the way to Lugala there was for the guests with a stopover visit to the Bishop in Ifakara. In addition, we received the request, but still bring 2 new mattresses for the guest house. So rope was concerned and found the fully-loaded car with lots of luggage on the roof and another 2 mattresses place. In Germany, should be met with such a charge probably no traffic control.
On subsequent days, the visitor priest, medical staff and an administrative specialist have - their activities in the hospital looking for. The 20th anniversary of the partnership was a colorful evening with many photos of the past few years, mutual gifts, with Coke, and peanuts held shower entertaining and worthy.
Peter was then with the group in our Dispensary in Tanganyika Mazagati that we had visited during the rainy season before. There necessarily had to be repaired, which are only now the dry season on the buildings. No one has been spared in this effort and the building was in addition to the necessary repairs above all a thorough cleaning and fresh paint - so neat, it has probably never looked there. Was stayed in Taveta. So this three-day trip bound deep in the African Busch the pleasant with the useful.
was during this time the hospital (control) visit to the head doctor of the district, a day later, the health minister, because it's election campaign. This opportunity should be used to once again highlight the importance of the hospital. The precarious financial situation has its cause in the fact that the government only to personnel for a 60 - bed hospital recognition and only pay for salaries. Over the years, the number of beds has increased to double, sometimes even these are inadequate and of course more staff than in the early years employed. In addition, each year 15,000 patients treated as outpatients. Thus, the device a highly frequented by the public rural hospital and guaranteed basic health care for over 100,000 residents. However, it does not have the status of a district hospital for which staff is paid more, because this comes in Mahenge, about 6 hours, for many people to rainy season almost reached. The Minister took note of it, nothing more. Success remains questionable, perhaps to somewhere else more. In any event, had to be, well that time worked with the departure of our Lugala working group for the high-score geradeso visit the guest house completely cleared. Catherine and Kurt, two German students who have completed an internship at the hospital, had to move out as well. The two I simply quartered on us, so at least I was not alone, and during our subsequent absence someone has lived in the house.
Lugala The adoption of the Working Group follows the visitors in welcoming our guests for: vera and Uwe. The two were allowed to suffer too, like the msd-shopping before the "adventure vacation" should start the next morning. We had just left the capital when suddenly a stone flies through the windshield. But bad luck that there was no personal injury and thanks Sunglasses was nothing in `s eye. People said, this raises Confused ... more bricks.
role pavement is held together with the rest of makeshift, built into the Toyota garage a replacement disc, a new South Africa must be purchased. On the site of the workshop, we heard a distinct hissing sound, the next flat tire, as appropriate.
Am nächsten Morgen macht uns der Lodge-Inhaber freundlicherweise auf einen platten Reifen aufmerksam, Nr.5. Wir hatten uns dort ohnehin mit einem nach Dar fahrenden SolidarMed –Mitarbeiter verabredet, also übernimmt dessen Fahrer für uns die Reparatur und kauft neue Schläuche, wir erledigen in der Zwischenzeit unsere Formalitäten. Die Tagesetappe ist außerdem nur short, our goal is the Udzungwa Mountains. A day hike takes you through shady forests to the Sanje waterfalls, from the small bush elephants living there, we see only the remains.
Refreshment in the jungle to the Sanje waterfalls, 170 feet high, now in the dry season only a little water
The drive to Lugala uneventful, no flat tire, the ferry is intact. Even on our arrival we take a strange, yet unique smell was and we suspect a decaying animal in the adjacent field. Hang the laundry the next day I noticed a colorful cloth in the tree behind the garden. Closer inspection confirmed the suspicion that there is somebody I think in short, now we are also observed from this side - the people are usually only on the street in front of the house and gucken – aber er bewegt sich nicht. Peter geht näher und meint, dort hängt jemand. Wir holen Peter Hellmold und benachrichtigen Polisi Steven. Man weiß inzwischen, dass es ein seit 4 Tagen vermisster Patient war. Er muss von seinen Verwandten identifiziert werden und soll, da man ihn nicht mehr in die Leichenhalle transportieren kann, solange dort hängen bleiben. Die Familie wohnt 40 km weg, das bedeutet: Hängenbleiben bis zum nächsten Tag. Mit dieser Gewissheit und dem immer stärker werdenden Gestank ist es keine angenehme Nacht. Am Sonntag kommen die Angehörigen und schaufeln direkt unter ihm ein Grab, eine andere Bestattung war nicht mehr möglich. Charles meldet sich am Montag krank, er hat sicher nicht verkraftet, dass He has worked in the garden, without anything to say.
sort The following week I devoted to Vera books for the library, Uwe is the virus-infected computers of our "Internet cafes". Time for bike rides, trips to Malinyi, Biro or Furua and reading is for the two of course.

On the way to Biro
The planned trip by TAZARA back to Dar has been canceled, announced the 14 h delay, it may well be even more sind auch für tanzanische Verhältnisse ein bisschen viel. Außerdem erwartete uns dann eine Nachtfahrt und das heiße, staubige Ifakara ist nicht gerade eine attraktive Metropole, um sich dort die Zeit zu vertreiben. So fahren wir gemeinsam mit Kuandika im Auto in die Hauptstadt, er kauft diverse Ersatzteile für Hospitalfahrzeug, Traktor und Generator sowie zwei neue Reifen für unser Auto, damit wir für die nächste Regenzeit gerüstet sind. Wir gönnen uns ein Eis, für uns inzwischen Luxus, den es außerhalb der großen Städte nicht gibt. Für Kuandika war es das erste Eis seines Lebens.
Gemeinsam mit Vera und Uwe verbringen wir eine Woche in einer Strandlodge Pangani in the Indian Ocean. A trip takes us to Tanga, the third largest port city in East Africa with German history, morbid charm and pleasant atmosphere. We will go there again determined.

Former dt hospital - thanks to donations of money from Germany saved with a new roof before the decline, but it will continue to remain unused

For us this is the first full week of leave for 7 months. Here we reach the mandatory sms, from what Dar is still everything to bring. So we embark on the adoption at the airport again on a buying spree do get the medication in stock, not the last time, it unfortunately is not this time and break again after Lugala. On the way we now have the sixth Plates, this time in the bush. That's enough. A helping tow the broken wheel on `s roof and we reach Lugala before nightfall. The house is dusty total, said Emma has plenty to do on Monday.
It is of Day to day hot, the thermometer in the house now shows 35 degrees, everything is dried up and the dust nuisance. Once rain now would be not bad, we really have to wait until the end of November.