the alarm clock we do not need here. Still in the dark all the cocks begin to crow of the village, is at the latest for us the night is over. Fortunately, there are earplugs for those who can sleep with them, I can not.
is between 06.00 and 07.00 clock on the sun, are seasonal differences are a few degrees south of the equator, not - and why it's every day 19.00 clock dark again. Under that same day during the times set up in Tanzania. Of course, here has a day 24 hours, but starts counting the hours of the day at sunrise with hour 0, and because it is the end of the night after 12 hours In our era, then it is 06.00 clock. Thus, the 12 hours of the day counted until dusk, and again with hour 0, and 12, the night begins, so clock 18.00 CET. If necessary, follow the clear indication of the additional time for the day and siku usiku for SAA began teaching daily 02:00 am - at night, as in English with am and pm
that's not familiar of us stunned when I sign up to Germany submitted a timetable of the school had. Then we could make no sense to us first, for the following breaks and finishing times did not fit naturally into our CET scheme. We found it very unusual, SAA 4:00 to go to the lunch break, 06:30 to speak of SAA and SAA Lunch 10:00 a.m.-school have.
now already history: the announcement of the transfer of the World Cup semi-final game ...
for us it was 21.30 clock.
Here, if appointments are made, do you do it in principle with the locals Kiswahili - times, otherwise they do not know the end.
Visiting hours for patient care
to which the members hold just about as there are, after breakfast, lunch and dinner, the usual meal times.
In Hospital appointments are generally familiar to us with the information-CET agreed, for the HMT - Hospital Management Team, which we also belong, speaks English.
There are in rural parlance some amusing for us descriptions for time to be designated by the usual activities for each day, such as "the herd bring to pasture" (at 08.00 clock), "bring the flock to home "(later than 17:00 clock), " is a person or what is it? "is the time between sunset and darkness, when you can hardly see anything, or" the pan on the fire " it's about 19:00 clock, when dinner is cooked.
Even this vague interpretations show that times here are worth nothing or are at best a rough guide. If a clock of 13.00 HMT meeting agreed, it never starts before 14.00 clock, at some point all spin and starts the endless palaver. For us it was a big adjustment, especially for the punctuality fanatics by the Court.
time plays no role for Tanzania. A Clock has anyway no one here is all the time and, if nothing else on - in abundance.
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