Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Star Sailboat Diagram

Whether we still build today, schedule times do

a great sweet surprise, which we were happy mad!

a good question. Presumably it is so that we replace the hardships and problems after a while and forgotten, as the children get.
principle, we would not exclude to build again. But then anders, erfahrener und mit hoffentlich weniger Bodenplatten und Pech. *lach*
UND: definitiv nie wieder in 2. Reihe und nicht mehr an ein anderes Haus angebaut, was definitiv Bestandteil unserer vielen Probleme gewesen ist.

Wir können Viebrockhaus empfehlen und wir würden auch gegebenenfalls wieder mit Ihnen bauen, wenn es sich anbietet.
Aber wir können nur dringend raten, sich bei jedem Bauvorhaben immer einen Bausachverständigen zur Seite zu nehmen. An dieser Stelle noch einmal ein ausdrückliches und herzliches Dankeschön an unseren Herrn Würtenberger!!! Wir sind der Ansicht, sie haben uns super unterstützt und waren uns nicht nur fachlich, sondern auch moralisch eine große Hilfe!

At this point, are also due to so many others, many thanks! It's great how we have been assisted in our construction projects on all sides in any form. to name all here, we unfortunately do not create, without having to worry to forget someone ...
also for the beautiful, creative and loving gifts collection we want to thank and express our joy here. :-)

If we are to thank for, we would like to thank our neighbors again for your patience with our construction project, which really is for all residents and Beteilgten second, become a major test of endurance. In the meantime, we have really great Had concern as to whether we are still welcome at all. But now we feel really good.
Our neighbor in 1 Series has unfortunately had to prove a great deal of patience and nerves, and we hope that they can now finally come to rest and now all critical points they could be resolved satisfactorily.

now but we will try first to remove all boxes and find a place for everything, which we will take some time.

Another project is already planned and will zumindes mentally prepare us probably a couple of sleepless nights ... ;-)


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