Nach dem anstrengenden Flug, fand ich, hatte ich mir ein Stück Kuchen und eine Eiskugel verdient. :-)

The next day we set off for now Lugala. The road proved to be a real adventure and, admittedly, as risky. I was certainly glad when we reached our first waypoint - the Mikumi National Park.
This leads a highway and that is in the eyes of the Tanzanian truck drivers, unfortunately, literally. The animals stand next to and under the page break even in the middle of the road. Most of the drivers with their boards weak brake vehicles through the park - only interested in the fast arriving, but not the survival of the animals.
Let us turn back but the good things too - let the sight of peacefully feed the animals, which interfere on 3m distance and not willing to take pictures of us.
elephants on the road

The following day We had the visit of the Mikumi luck. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, hippos, monkeys - all we could marvel at close range.

curious giraffes and zebras

Many animals had boy whose charming to watch, especially when Mom brought to joyful Jauch Zern.
went after this interim stay there again on roads that are reported to us as bad roads and max. with 30km / h can be cycled. Here they just thunders with 80km / h ... and again I was glad to have arrived in the evening good - finally in Lugala.
I do not know quite what I expected. Was clear: we are really in the African bush landed.
The first thing that came to mind at the sight of the huts, was, "It seems here, as they did the Stone Age. Mud huts with thatched roof, before the fire. Chickens really run around everywhere. Occasionally there are little stone cottage. That's it. In stark contrast, is that everyone here, whether he can afford it or not, has a cell phone. There are colorful scarves and dresses, rubber boots and plastic buckets. But all live in the dirt.
mud huts in Lugala

When people need something, they go to - for it - great city So the next village Malinyi. There are at least a "market", a "mall" and even a bar
shopping area and bar in Malinyi

Every day I brought my gauntlet behind me - the road from our house to the hospital. There are only 200 meters. But these 200 meters I was screened and stared, as I would just landed from the moon. Well, whites know this already. But one with blue and red reflectors crutches - that was something new. To the views I have so far, after a week Lugala not used to. Quick had talked about everywhere that I am there. Every day new people were standing in front of the hospital and waiting for me with their curious eyes.
But otherwise you can get comfortable with the situation but as long as you do not continue to think about that one is cut wide and is in a different world.
The people here are nice, but have markedly a different mentality. With old car batteries to be heard loud radio. In the hospital the night light burning in spite bedtime. Tanks run empty, parked the vehicles easily. Charles poured in abundance of flowers. Everything is consumed, without worrying about what happens when it's time for all. Everything is there, is also consumed. The word "planning" will find no lovers and friends.
was there for lunch with us what was offered. Time someone comes over with (even) slaughtered beef, the next one brings (still living) or chicken with hat frisch gefangenen Wels im Angebot. Es gibt Reis, Kartoffeln und einige tansanische Beilagen. Obst und Gemüse gibt es auch. Darüber müssen wir uns keine Gedanken machen - die Menschen hier aufgrund ihrer Armut natürlich schon. Etwas hartes Fell muss man schon haben, um sich das jeden Tag angucken zu können.
Morgen reisen wir nun ab aus Lugala und verbringen noch ein paar Tage auf Sansibar zur Erholung. Die Fahrt von Lugala, zunächst zurück nach Dar Es Salaam, dauert länger als der Flug von Deutschland nach Tansania…
Während ich nun hier sitze and write, yet someone came to visit - for me, he wanted to meet me. After a bit surprised, because who wants to visit me here, it turned out that it is the local "Polisi. As we talked about our work, found that our two countries are different and said goodbye. Maybe there is a reunion, with all others.