Monday, April 27, 2009
How To Get A Free Doujin-moe Account
Heute ist der erste Tag hier im Haus, ohne Handwerker oder Monteur, ohne einen fremden Menschen!!!
Wir sind hier noch mit Einräumen und sortieren in der Küche beschäftigt.
Gestern hatten wir die Möglichkeit, unser Kleiderschrank-System zumindest schon mal ansatzweise aufzubauen. Die großen Schränke stehen jetzt, es fehlt allerdings noch das Innenleben, weshalb er immer noch nicht zu benutzen ist.
Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu berichten. Wir warten hier auf weitere Infos, wie und wann die Dinge noch gemacht werden, die auf unserem Hausübergabe-Protokoll standen.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ears Hurt From Laughing
Today f allle all the Christmas parties and birthdays a whole life in one day!
Our kitchen was delivered yesterday and is now mounted and I never thought that the excitement and the sight of the finished kitchen in our house can cause such joy bounce, happiness and joy!
If you consider that we have ordered the kitchen in December 2007, our positive feelings now are not necessarily self-evident.
But what can I say, we would have today still selected so as then. It is vanilla-cream-colored, huge, functional, with some great extravagance and fits perfectly to the rest of the house. Everything here is bright and cheerful, full of light, but also warm and cozy. No matter what chaos we sit here, how many units we have and build wieivele boxes we have overcome yet: We are happy in our new home!
Everything that concerns our kitchen was totally easy and straightforward. Everything was totally easy and worry-free, a smooth, reliable flow, we are not at all usual ... Yes, quality has its price, but we would have to restrict to the kitchen, it would have been the wrong place. We have our dream kitchen and it is worth every penny!
We are looking forward to be able to initiate with delicious food and pastries and can not wait!