Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nadine Jansen,milena Velba Y Chrissy

Remaining work

Zu den erforderlichen Restarbeiten gab es gestern im ELK folgende Informationen:
Der Estricht hat noch nicht die erforderliche Trockenheit erreicht. Gezieltes Heizen und Lüften soll das Problem jetzt lösen. Also Heizung immer an lassen und Wenn immer möglich Stoßlüftung (z.B. bei Elternabenden).
Es wurden Messeungen zur Akustik durchgeführt. Eine Firma erledigt die Auswertung und macht Vorschläge zur Problemlösung, die dann voraussichtlich in den Herbstferien installiert werden.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Cover Letter For Beauty Theraphy

Acoustic Improvisation

Die Geräuschkulisse in der Halle ist für Schüler wie Lehrer belastend. Nun wurden als Sofortmaßnahme Tücher gespannt. Es wirkt, wie ich mich hute morgen überzeugen konnte, Über die Optik läßt sich streiten.

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What Do You Wrap A Blunt In ?


Hier der Vergleich. Ganz netter Farbton, oder?

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Decarating Ideas For School Banquets


So, nun endlich ein paar Bilder der Einschulung. Das Schulhaus ist betriebsbereit, wenn auch nicht ganz fertig but I think we can all be very happy.

Technorati Tags:

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Friday, September 1, 2006

Samsung Writemaster Drivers

2006 Now as far as

morning, on 2 September is at 10:00 clock enrollment ceremony. Then you'll have new photos of the new building. As I heard the floors are missing in the classrooms.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Catchy Come To Church Church Phrases

Yes, this is it!

second holiday, the (old) 3b wants to harvest their rye (though he appeared to me plenty of soft). A quick look at the new building and WOW! This is really a class work ye have done, my team glaze. What's done, they are still full of it but the first finished walls are impressive.

I only have a few photo collages set. More photos and also in better quality you see on my Flickr pages .

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Do Men Have Larger Stomachs Than Women?

Bring pure color! The interior door

Due to extensive construction work is currently difficult to get at the new building. Therefore, no new pictures and replaced by an excerpt of the current WB and a link to the color designers
Götz Keitel

Love vices team!
Now it is almost time, in a recent meeting on site with our color designer, Mr. Keitel, Anytown, USA, the final details were clarified. Our efforts begin work on Thursday, 20 July with the glaze of the great hall, while simultaneously injected color into the classrooms of the wooden ceiling. For this purpose it is necessary that each cover is taped around it. Who spontaneously at this but want to help rather elaborate masking must be like to have to join our highly motivated troops. In the next three days, then the classrooms turn. Please wear comfortable

work clothes and shoes!

We're much on ladders and scaffolds.
Until Thursday!
Regards, Ulrike Kaiser

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Electric Box For Iphone Level 32

today gets its new building the school house door. In the classrooms, the floors are covered last. Radiators are already ready for connection to the appropriate authorities. The next appearance for the formative work, the Wall be.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Consumer Reports Identity Theft Protection


multi-purpose room and two classrooms have already received their wooden ceilings. According to the craftsman but need some boards are painted, so it alle Räume reicht.
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Thursday, June 15, 2006

How To Start A Mobile Waxing Business

Now even sharper!

Bei Google Earth wurde die Auflösung der Satellitenbilder noch einmal erhöht. Hier das Ergebnis:

geotags: 52.3768 / 8.0985

Can Tattoo Artists Do Silver Roses

It was on Monday

Da bin ich kurz vor dem ELK-Treffen noch mal über die Baustelle geschlichen. Das Gebäude ist nun komplett mit einem festen Boden versehen und einige Fensterbänke sind schon eingebaut.(Ich hab nicht alle gecheckt, denn es sind viele Gräben zu überwinden, wenn man allein zum Eingang kommen will). Sehr gespannt bin ich darauf, wie der Sandstein mit der Putzfarbe und den gelben Fenstern harmoniert.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Double Vision Migraine

progress Screeds

5 Räume haben schon ihren Estrich erhalten, zwei weitere kommen heute dran. Dann stehen "nur" noch Sanitärräume und der große Flur an. Auf der Palette sieht man die schönen Sandstein Fensterbänke für Aussen.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

After Miscarraige Hcg Is 16

all smooth

Mein kleiner Rundgang am Dienstagmorgen ergab folgende Erkenntnisse: Alle Wände sind mittlerweile plastered. The ceilings were all covered with plaster Platen. In coming so later the gray slats . A heating and plumbing company is on site and potters in the toilets. The floors are ready for the floor. Greetings Kai

Monday, May 15, 2006

Scorpio Man Why Does He Test

labor input 3b

morning 8:00 am Saturday: Harry and Marvin already has three wide-awake volunteers. The orders of the day:
  • strike of the boards for the ceiling
  • clean up the site so that the cleaners have free rein
The clean-up make a good job, as is verified before and after picture. Hall and a classroom are already plastered and then to quickly follow the other rooms. Together with the progressive covering of the ceiling makes the whole very good. The first school children evaluated at the edge of the vegetable market had their new classroom. Them was still too messy.

The highlight of the boards was also something special: Rau like anything and so thirsty for paint. The 20 liters were therefore consumed soon. The weather provided perfect conditions for painting, of course - beautiful outside in the sun - so that the boards then we have pre-dried were stacked in the barn. Gabs also breaks as needed. In the end we were 6 little helpers + professionals. The range on the degree we do break we have managed to half. looks like the covered range must still be supplied and rejected another. So still plenty of opportunity for tackling ...


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Q9550 Overclock On Asus Maximus Ii Formula

months celebration, plants, clothing and flea market: a great day!

a more beautiful day for this multi-event you can not think at all. From 10:00 presented the lower school students, a public celebration months. Plant market team and many families built the market and has been around the Linde traded, discussed, and feasted, pizza team, Grill Master Massmann, the wafer-heroines and the many cake bakers, thank. One or the other "tourist" got lost on the construction site where a bunch of scattered early as 8:00 am and worked there to really see remarkable progress. More on that tomorrow, tonight is just this: In those conditions again and again! Greetings Kai

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Lab Eight : Population Genetics

see now from orbit

While only a few months ago was see blurry green are new pictures in Google Earth available, the Waldorf School in Eving Hausen represent recognizable. Bottom right of the image, the John School. Greetings Kai

Monday, May 8, 2006

Poptropica Where Is The Fabric Of

Zwergenhaus based

was already in the weekly paper, the dwarf house between kindergarten and Rothert'scher barn was purchased from the children. to get

The whole house on a picture is not so simple. Here is a current impression. During a brief visit this morning the windows were all installed with a few exceptions, it was hard on the ceilings and primed single door frames were used. More I could not recognize on the fly. Falls jmd times drop by which, perhaps using their own experience, remember, I am pleased with a short message. The next weekend I am myself to it. This is followed by a detailed report. Greetings Kai

Friday, April 28, 2006

Enlarged Spleen Sore Throat

it rains in May and April is over!

Whether it rains or not, it makes us diligent parents and craftsmen also less and less. In recent weeks, the windows were installed and a glass or two is already in there. As the pictures show, it still looks very much like building site:
  • surrounded with deep ditches drains the schoolhouse.
  • The high ceiling in the corridor is already covered (congratulations to the Dizziness Free!) But some classes are still pending. The classes do not receive the full ceiling height, which I personally very much.
The work plan, which integrates the individual class community completed its first run, and now begins anew. The parents of the upcoming first Classes have already participated strongly.

